Design Methods is a broad area that I focuses on:
• Divergence – Exploring possibilities and constraints of inherited situations by applying critical thinking through qualitative and quantitative research methods to create new understanding (problem space) toward better design solutions Skirtumas - išnagrinėti galimybes ir apribojimus, paveldėtas situacijas taikant kritinio mąstymo per kokybinius ir kiekybinius tyrimo metodus sukurti naują supratimą (problema erdvė) link geresnio dizaino sprendimai
• Transformation – Redefining specifications of design solutions which can lead to better guidelines for traditional and contemporary design activities (architecture, graphic, industrial, information, interaction, et al.) and/or multidisciplinary response Transformacija - kitaip apibrėžiant reikalavimus projektavimo sprendimus, kurie gali pagerinti gairių tradicinio ir šiuolaikinio dizaino derinimo (architektūra, grafika, pramonės, informacija, sąveikos, ir kt.) ir / arba disciplinų answer.
• Convergence – Prototyping possible scenarios for better design solutions that incrementally or significantly improve the originally inherited situation Konvergencijos - Prototipai galimų scenarijų geriau projektinius sprendimus, kad laipsniškai arba žymiai pagerinti pradžių paveldėjo padėtis
• Sustainability – Managing the process of exploring, redefining and prototyping of design solutions continually over time Tvarumas - tvarkymo tyrinėti procesą, iš naujo apibrėžti ir prototipų projektavimo sprendimų nuolat laikui bėgant
• Articulation - the visual relationship between the parts and the whole. Ryšys - vizualinis santykis tarp tos dalys ir visuma.
The goal of design methods is to gain key insights or unique essential truths resulting in more holistic solutions in order to achieve better experiences for users with products, services, environments and systems they rely upon. Metodų tikslas dizainas įgyti pagrindinių žinių arba unikalus esminis tiesos todėl daugiau holistinį sprendimų siekiant geriau patirtį vartotojams su produktų, paslaugų, aplinkos ir sistemos, jie remiasi. Insight, in this case, is clear and deep investigation of a situation through design methods, thereby grasping the inner nature of things intuitively. Insight šiuo atveju yra aiški ir giliai tyrimo projektavimo metodus situacijai, taip suvokti vidinio pobūdžio dalykų intuityviai.
Background of Design Methods
Design traditionally has been associated with expression and production. Design has traditionally been associated with expression and production.
Social, political and economic developments of the late 19th and first half of the 20th century put into motion modern benefits and constraints for living and working. Social, political and economic development of the late 19th and first half of the 20th century put into motion modern benefits and constraints for living and working. Industrial and technological breakthroughs associated with this period created social and economic complexities for people and their environment. Industrial and technological Breakthrough associated with this period created social and economic complexity for People and Their Environment. Disciplines such as architecture, urban planning, engineering and product development began to tackle new types of problem-solving past traditional artifact making. Disciplines SUCH AS architecture, urban planning, engineering and product development began to Tackle new types of problem-solving over the past traditional artifact making. More informed and methodical approaches to designing were required. More informed and methodical approaches to designing Were required.
Design methods originally drew from a 1962 conference [ 1 ] called "The Conference on Systematic and Intuitive Methods in Engineering, Industrial Design, Architecture and Communications ." Design Methods Drew Originally from a 1962 conference [1] called "The Conference on Systematic and Intuitive Methods in Engineering, Industrial Design, Architecture and Communications . " This event was organized by John Chris Jones , and Peter Slann who, with conference invitees, were driven by concerns about how their modern industrialized world was being manifested. [ 2 ] This event was organized by John Chris Jones , and Peter Slann who, with conference invitees, Were driven by Bradford CONCERNS about how modern industrialized world was being manifested. [2]
Conference participants countered the craftsman model of design which was rooted in turning raw materials through tried and true craft-based knowledge into finished products. Conference participants countered constr. model of the design was rooted in que turning raw materials through tried and true craft-based knowledge into finished products. They believed that a single craft-based designer producing design solutions was not compatible with addressing the evolving complexity of post-industrial societies. They believed That a single craft-based designer producing design solutions was not compatible with addressing the evolving complexity of post-industrial societies. They stressed that designers needed to work in cross-disciplinary teams where each participant brings his/her specific body of skills, language and experiences to defining and solving problems in whatever context. They Stressed That Designers needed to work in cross-disciplinary teams to every participant brings Where his / her body of Specific skills, language and experiences to defining and solving problems in whatever context.
The [ 3 ] key benefit was to find a method that suits a particular design situation. Christopher Alexander went on to write his seminal books Pattern Language and A Timeless Way of Building . The [3] key benefit for you to find a method that I Particular design suits a situation. Christopher Alexander went on to write his seminal books Pattern Language and A Timeless Way of Building .
Where Process Meets Method Where Process Meets Method
When process and method are discussed, they tend to be used interchangeably. When process and method are discussed, THEY tend to get and interchangeably. However, while they are two sides to the same coin, they are different. However, while THEY are two sides to the Same Coin, are they different. Process (lat. processus –movement) is a naturally occurring or designed sequence of operations or events over time which produce desired outcomes. Process (lat. processus-movement) is a naturally occurring or designed sequence of Operations or events over time que produce Desired Outcomes. Process contains a series of actions, events, mechanisms, or steps, which contain methods. Process contains a series of actions, events, Mechanisms, or steps, que exist in methods. Method is a way of doing something, especially a systematic way through an orderly arrangement of specific techniques. Method is a way of doing something, Especially A systematic way through an orderly arrangement of Specific techniques. Each method has a process. Each method has a process.
From a pragmatic standpoint, design methods is concerned with the “how” and defining “when” things happen, and in what desired order. From a Pragmatic standpoint, Design Methods is concerned with the "how" and defining "when" things happen, and in what order Desired. Design Methods is challenging to implement since there are not enough agreed-upon tools, techniques and language for consistent knowledge transfer. Design Methods to Implement is challenging since there are not enough Agreed-upon tools, techniques and language for Consistent knowledge transfer. While there are many conceptual models and frameworks, there needs to be more granularity of tools and techniques.There are also many variables that affect outcomes since logic and intuition interplay with one another. While there are many conceptual models and web development, there needs to be more granularity of tools and ook techniques.There are many variables that I Affect Outcomes since logic and intuition interplay with one another. Two people can therefore use the same method and arrive at different outcomes. Two people can therefor use the Same method and arrive at different outcomes.
Expansion of Design Methods Expansion of Design Methods
Different groups took John Chris Jones's book Design Methods , with its alternative message of using design as a framework for exploration and improvement, in different directions. Different groups took John's book by Chris Jones, Design Methods, with its message of using alternative design as a framework for exploration and improvement, in different directions.
Emergence of Design Research and Design Studies Emergence of Design Research and Design Studies
After the 1962 conference, many of the participants began to publish and to define an area of research that focused on design. After the 1962 conference, many of the participants began to publish and to define an area of research that I Focused on design. Three "camps" seemed to emerge to integrate the initial work in Design Methods: Three "camps" seemed to emerge to integrate the initial work in Design Methods:
• Behaviorism interpreted Design Methods as a way to describe human behavior in relation to the built environment. Design Methods Behaviorismus interpreted as a way to describe human behavior in relation to the built environment. Its clinical approach tended to rely on human behavior processes ( taxonomic activities). Its clinical approach tended to rely on human behavior of processes ( Taxonomic activities).
• Reductivism broke Design Methods down into small constituent parts. Design Methods Reductivism broke down into small constituent parts. This scientific approach tended to rely on rationalism and objectified processes such as epistemological activities. This scientific approach tended to rely on rationalism and Processes Objectified SUCH AS epistemological activities.
• Phenomenology approached design methods from an experiential approach (human experience and perception .) Phenomenology Design Methods approached from an experiential approach (human experience and perception .)
The Design Research Society was founded in 1967 with many participants from the Conference on Design Methods in 1962. The Design Research Society was founded in 1967 with many participants from the Conference on Design Methods in the 1962nd The purpose of the Society is to promote "the study of and research into the process of designing in all its many fields" and is an interdisciplinary group with many professions represented, but all bound by the conviction of the benefits of design research [ 4 ] . The Purpose of the Society is to promote "the study of and research into the process of designing in all ITS MANY fields" and is an Interdisciplinary group with many professions represented, but all bound by the conviction of the benefits of research design [4] .
The Environmental Design and Research Association is one of the best-known entities that strive to integrate designers and social science professionals for better built environments. The Environmental Design Research Association and is one of the best-known Entities that I strive to integrate designs and social science professionals for better built environments. EDRA was founded by Henry Sanoff in 1969. Edra was founded by Henry Sanoff in the 1969th Both John Chris Jones and Christopher Alexander interacted with EDRA and other camps; both seemed at a certain point to reject their interpretations. Both John and Chris Jones, Christopher Alexander interacted with edra and other camps, both seemed at a Certain Point to reject interpretations of Bradford. Jones and Christopher also questioned their original thesis about design methods. Jones and Christopher Bradford ook questioned the original thesis about design methods.
An interesting shift that affected design methods and design studies was the 1968 lecture from Herbert Simon , the Nobel laureate, who presented "The Sciences of the Artificial." An interesting shift that I Affected Design Methods and design studio was the 1968 lecture from Herbert Simon , the Nobel laureate, who presented "The Sciences of the Artificial." He proposed using scientific methods to explore the world of man-made things (hence artificial). He proposed using Scientific Methods to explore the world of man-made things (hence artificial). He discussed the role of analysis ( observation ) and synthesis (making) as a process of creating man-made responses to the world he/she interacted with. He discussed the role of analysis ( observation ) and synthesis (making) as a process of creating man-made Responses to the world he / she interacted with. Important to Simon's contribution were his notions of " bounded rationality " and " satisficing ." Simon's important contribution to Were his notions of " bounded rationality "and" satisficing . " Simon's concept had a profound impact on the discourse in both design methods, and the newly emerging design studies communities in two ways. Simon's concept had a Profound Impact on the discourse in both design methods, and the newly emerging design studio communities in two ways. It provided an entry of using scientific ideas to overlay on design, and it also created an internal debate whether design could/should be expressed and practiced as a type of science with the reduction of emphasis on intuition . It provided is an entry of using scientific ideas on the overlay design, and it created an internal ook debate whethe design could / should-be expressed and practiced as a type of science with the reduction of emphasis on intuition .
Nigel Cross has been prolific in articulating the issues of design methods and design research. Nigel Cross has been prolific in articulating the issues of Design Methods and Design Research. The discussion of the ongoing debate of what is design research and design science was, and continues to be articulated by Cross. The discussion of the ongoing debate of what is design research and design science was, and continues without articulated by the Cross. His thesis is that design is not a science, but is an area that is searching for "intellectual independence." His thesis is that design is not a science, but is an area that I is searching for "intellectual independence." He views the original design methods discussions of the 1960s as a way to integrate objective and rational methods in practicing design. He views the Original Design Methods discussions of the 1960s as a way to integrate Objective and Relational Methods in practicing design. Scientific method was borrowed as one framework , and the term "design science" was coined in 1966 at the Second Conference on the Design Method focusing on a systematic approach to practicing design. Scientific method was borrowed as one framework , and the term "design science" was coined in 1966 at the Second Conference on the Design Method Focusing on a Systematic approach to practicing design. Cross defined the "science of design" as a way to create a body of work to improve the understanding of design methods—and more importantly that design methods does not need to be a binary choice between science and art . Cross defined the "science of design" as a way to create a body of work to IMPROVE the understanding of Design Methods, and more importantly Design Methods That does not need to be a binary choice Between science and art .
Nigan Bayazit, professor at the Istanbul Technical University, published an overview of the history of design methods. Nigan Bayazit, professor at the Istanbul Technical University, published an overview of the history of design methods. She stated that "Design methods people were looking at rational methods of incorporating scientific techniques and knowledge into the design process to make rational decisions to adapt to the prevailing values, something that was not always easy to achieve." [ 5 ] The following is what design research is concerned with: She stated that "Design Methods Were people looking at Rational Methods of incorporating scientific techniques and knowledge into the design process to make Rational Decisions to Adapt to the prevailing values, something that was not always easy for the answers." [5] The volgende is what Design research is concerned with:
• The physical embodiment of man-made things, how these things perform their jobs, and how they work The physical embodiment of man-made things, how these things Perform Bradford jobs, and how THEY work
• Construction as a human activity, how designers work, how they think, and how they carry out design activity Construction as a human activity, how designers work, how THEY think, and how THEY carry out the design activity
• What is achieved at the end of a purposeful design activity, how an artificial thing appears, and what it means What is achieved at the end of a purposeful design activity, how an artificial thing appear, and what it means
• Embodiment of configurations Embodiment of Configurations
• Systematic search and acquisition of knowledge related to design and design activity Systematic search and acquisition of knowledge related to design and design activity
[ edit ] Significance of Emergence of Design Research and Design Studies [ edit ] Significance of Emergence of Design Research and Design Studies
Both research and design studies made design more visible and accountable. Both research and design studio design made more visible and accountable. Research was recognized at the outset by design methods as a type of leg-work to both explore and verify. Research was recognized at the outset by Design Methods as a type of leg-work to both explore and verify. The development of specific research approaches created a type of rigor for designers to integrate into their activities and to expand their expression/production activities. The development of Specific Research Approaches created a type of rigor for designers to integrate activities into Bradford and Bradford to expand expression / production activities. Design studies linked design to the social sciences and began to tackle the context, as well as the effects of design on and by society. Design Design studio linked to the social sciences and began to Tackle the context, as well as the effects of design on and by society. It brought a language and rigor by giving design a past worth studying and a present worth discussing. Brought it to a language and rigor by giving a design worth studying the past and a present worth Discussing.
The eventual debate about design methods and whether design is an art or science is not a new. The eventual debate about whethe Design Methods and Design is an art or science is not a new. Partisans on both sides of the issue have framed it as a binary choice of something to lose or gain. Partisans on both sides of the issue have framed it as a binary choice of something to lose or gain. However, this false argument was viewed by John Chris Jones, who recognized the "logical, systematic, behavioristic, operational aspects of new methods" (which could be viewed as science) might be seen as "anti-life" which treat people as "instruments." However, this false argument was viewed by John Chris Jones, who recognized the "Logical, Systematic, behavioristic, operational aspects of New Methods" (which could in addition viewed as science) to go to seen as "anti-life" which treat people as " instruments. " On the other side, another group may define design with "animism, vitalism and naturalism" as a language (which could be viewed as art). On the other side, another group may-define design with "Animismo, naturalism and vitalism" as a language (which could in addition viewed as art). Jones sought to bring both together and act as checks-and-balances for design methods. Jones sought to bring both together and act as checks-and-balances for design methods.
Jones viewed methodology as "mere symbolic contrivances" and "would lose its value" if it did not reflect "the personal issues which matter most to the people who will take decisions." Jones methodology viewed as "mere symbolic contrivances" and "would lose the ITS value 'if it did not Reflect" the personal issues matter most to Which the people who will take decisions. "
Professional Design Practice Professional Design Practice
Conversations about design methods and a more systematic approach to design was not isolated to Europe. Conversations About Design Methods and a more Systematic approach to design was not isolated to Europe. America was also a magnet for practicing design professionals to codify their successes in design practice and backing into larger theories about the dynamics of design methods. America was a magnet ook for practicing design professionals to codify Bradford successes in design and practice backing into larger theories about the dynamics of design methods.
American designers were much more pragmatic at articulating design methods and creating an underlying language about the practice of industrial and graphic design. American Designers Were Much More Pragmatic Methods at articulating design and development of an underlying language about the practice of industrial and graphic design. They were tied to economic systems that supported design practice and therefore focused on the way design could be managed as an extension of business, rather than the European approach to design methods based on transforming engineering by design. They were tied to economic systems design practice that I supported and therefor Focused on the design could no way managed as an extension of business, rather than the European approach to Design Methods Based on Transforming engineering by design.
Industrial design was the first area that made inroads into systematizing knowledge through practice. Raymond Loewy was instrumental at elevating the visibility of industrial design through cult of personality (appearing three times on front cover of Time Magazine ). Henry Dreyfuss had a profound impact on the practice of industrial design by developing a systematic process used to shape environments, transportation , products and packaging . Industrial design was the first area that I made inroads into systematizing knowledge through practice. Raymond Loewy was instrumental at elevating the visibility of industrial design through cult of personality (appearing three times on front cover of Time Magazine). Henry Dreyfuss had a Profound Impact on the practice of industrial design by developing a Systematic process used to shape environments, transportation , products and packaging . His focus on the needs of the average consumer was most celebrated in his book Designing for People , an extensive exploration of ergonomics . His focus on the needs of the average consumer was most celebrated in his book Designing for People, an extensive exploration of ergonomics .
Jay Doblin one of America's foremost industrial designers, worked for Raymond Loewy and was later an employee of Unimark International , the world's largest global design firm during the 1960s with offices in seven countries. Jay Döblin one of America's foremost industrial designers, worked for Raymond Loewy and was later an employee of Unimark International , the world's largest global design firm During the 1960s with offices in seven countries. In 1972, Doblin formed Chicago-based Jay Doblin & Associates, a firm which managed innovative programs for Xerox Corporation and General Electric. [ 6 ] Doblin was prolific at developing a language to describe design. In 1972, Döblin formed Chicago-based Jay Döblin & Associates, a firm que managed innovative programs for Xerox Corporation and General Electric. [6] Döblin was prolific at developing a language to describe design. One of his best articles was "A Short, Grandiose Theory of Design", published in the 1987 Society of Typographic Arts Design Journal. One of his best articles was "A Short, grandiose Theory of Design", published in 1987 the Society of Typographic Arts Design Journal. In seven pages, Doblin presents a straightforward and persuasive argument for design as a systematic process. In seven pages, presents a Döblin straightforward and persuasive argument for design as a Systematic Process. He described the emerging landscape of systematic design: HE DESCRIBED the emerging landscape of Systematic design:
• For large complex projects, it "would be irresponsible to attempt them without analytical methods" and rallied against an "adolescent reliance on overly intuitive practices." For large complex projects, it "would no Irresponsible to attempt them without analytical Methods" and rallied against an "adolescent Reliance on overly intuitive practices."
• He separated "direct design" in which a craftsperson works on the artifact to "indirect design" in which a design first creates a representation of the artifact, separating design from production in more complex situations. He separated "direct design" in Which a craftsperson works on the artifact to "indirect design" in Which a design first creates a representation of the artifact, separating design from production in more complex situations.
Doblin and others were responding to the increased specialization of design and the complexity of managing large design programs for corporations. Doble and others Were Responding to the Increasing specialization of design and the Complexity of Managing Large design programs for corporations. It was a natural process to begin to discuss how design should move upstream to be involved with the specifications of problems, not only in the traditional mode of production which design had been practiced. It was a natural process to begin to discuss how Design Should move upstream to Be Involved with the specifications of problems, not only in the traditional mode of production design WHICH HAD BEEN practiced. Particularly since 2000, design methods and its intersection with business development have been visibly championed by numerous consultancies within design industry. Particularly since 2000, Design Methods and ITS intersection with business development have been championed by numerous visible within Consultancies design industry.
The continuity of approaches to design projects by such representative firms is the generation of inputs incited by the human condition in varied contexts. The Continuity of approaches to design projects by SUCH representative firms in the generation of inputs incited by the human condition in varied context. These approaches utilize a sustainable methods-based mode of making that takes into account critical analytic and synthetic skills toward more informed and inspired specifications grounded in: These approaches utilize a sustainable mode-based Methods of Making That takes into account critical analytic and synthetic skills toward more informed and inspired specifications is played in:
• Direct investigation of human circumstances to draw out impressions Direct Investigation of human CIRCUMSTANCES to draw out impressions
• Engagement by client-side and end-user participants in design process Engagement by client-side and end-user participants in design process
• Open articulation by practitioners of multiple disciplines facilitated by design Open Articulation by practitioners of Multiple Disciplines facilitated by design
Significance of Role of Professional Design Practic Significance of Role of Professional Design Practice
Practitioners approached design methods from a different angle than John Christopher Jones and the group of engineers and designers who convened in 1962. Design Methods practitioners approached from a different angle than John Christopher Jones and the group of engineers and designers who convened in the 1962nd Many practitioners, through actual design opportunities, began to confront the complexities of the market and clients. Many practitioners, through actual design opportunities, began to Confronts the complexity of the market and clients. They began to address issues of specifications, users , distribution and innovation . They began to address issues of specifications, users , distribution and innovation . Since there were no established methods, each practitioner began to develop frameworks and languages to describe a new way to design. Since there Were no officially established methods, to every practitioner began to Develop Frameworks and languages to describe a new way to design. Like any market-based model, there were many competing ideas about these new methods and their basis. Like Any market-based model, there Were many Competing ideas about under these new Methods and Their basis. Many of these designers may have been aware of the design methods movement, but many were not. Many of these designers May Have Been Aware of the Design Methods movement, but Were not many. Yet all their ideas were aligned to many of the basic tenants of the 1962 conference which advocated a more rigorous way of doing design. Yet all Bradford Were ideas aligned to many of the Basic Tenants of the 1962 conference que advocated a more rigorous way of doing design. However, the social perspectives and criticisms of mediocre products of 1962 participants may not have been shared or agreed with. However, the social perspectives and Criticism of mediocre products of participants in 1962 May Not Have Been Agreed or shared with.
Current Status of Design Methods
There is no one way to practice design methods. There is no one way to practice design methods. John Chris Jones recognized this by stating: John Chris Jones Recognized by the stating this:
"Methodology should not be a fixed track to a fixed destination, but a conversation about everything that could be made to happen. The language of the conversation must bridge the logical gap between past and future, but in doing so it should not limit the variety of possible futures that are discussed nor should it force the choice of a future that is unfree." [ 9 ] "Methodology Should not be a fixed track to a fixed destination, but a conversation about everything that I could no made it happen. The language of the conversation must bridge the logical gap Between past and future, but in doing so It should not limit the variety of possible futures are discussed that I want Should it force the choice of a future That is unfree. " [9]
The focus of most post-1962 enhancements to design methods has been on developing a series of relevant, sound, humanistic problem-solving procedures and techniques to reduce avoidable errors and oversights that can adversely affect design solutions. The focus of most post-1962 Enhancements to Design Methods has been on developing a series of Relevant, sound, humanistic problem-solving procedures and techniques to reduce avoidable errors and oversight that I can adversely Affect Design Solutions. The key benefit is to find a method that suits a particular design situation. The key benefit is to find a method that I Particular design suits a situation.
The benefits of their original work has been abstracted many times over; but in today's design environment, several of their main ideas have been integrated into contemporary design methods: The Benefits Of Their original work has been abstracted many times over, but in today's design environment, several of Bradford main ideas have been integrated into contemporary design methods:
• Emphasis on the user Emphasis on the user
• Use of basic research methods to validate convictions with fact Use of basic research method to validate convictions with FACT
• Use of brainstorming and other related means to break mental patterns and precedent Use of Brainstorming and other related mean to break precedent and mental patterns
• Increased collaborative nature of design with other disciplines Increased collaborative nature of design with other Disciplines
A large challenge for design as a discipline, its use of methods and an endeavor to create shared values, is its inherent synthetic nature as an area of study and action. A large challenge for design as a discipline, use of ITS Methods and an Endeavor to create shared values, the ITS SYNTHETIC inherent nature as an area of study and action. This allows design to be extremely malleable in nature, borrowing ideas and concepts from a wide variety of professions to suit the ends of individual practitioners. We will not rent to design without extremely malleable in nature, borrowing ideas and concepts from a wide variety of professions that suit the ends of individual practitioners. It also makes design vulnerable since these very activities make design a discipline unextensible as a shared body of knowledge [ 10 ] . It makes design ook Vulnerable since under these very activities make design as a discipline unextensible a shared body of knowledge [10] .
Long before Malcolm Gladwell and his book Blink , there was Donald Schon at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology . Long before Malcolm Gladwell and his book Blink , there was Donald Schon at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology . In 1983, he published The Reflective Practitioner [ 11 ] . In 1983, he published The Reflective Practitioner [11] . He saw traditional professions with stable knowledge bases, such as law and medicine , becoming unstable due to outdated notions of 'technical-rationality' as the grounding of professional knowledge. He saw traditional professions with stable knowledge bases, Suche as law and medicine , becoming unstable due to outdated notions of 'technical-rationality' as the grounding of professional knowledge. Practitioners were able to describe how they 'think on their feet', and how they make use of a standard set of frameworks and techniques. Practitioners Were Able to describe how THEY 'think about their feet', and how they make use of a standard set of Frameworks and techniques. Schon foresaw the increasing instability of traditional knowledge and how to achieve it. Schon foresaw the Increasing instability of traditional knowledge and how to Achieve it. This is in line with the original founders of design methods who wanted to break with an unimaginative and static technical society and unify exploration , collaboration and intuition . This is in line with the original design of Methods found who wanted to break with an unimaginative and static society and Unifi technical exploration , collaboration and intuition .
Design methods has influenced design practice and design education . Design Methods has influenced design practice and design education . It has benefitted the design community by helping to create introductions that would never have happened if traditional professions remained stable , which did not necessarily allow collaboration due to gatekeeping of areas of knowledge and expertise . It has benefitted by the design community to create HELPING Introductions that I would never have happened if traditional professions remained stable, Which did not necessarily admit collaboration due to gatekeeping of areas of knowledge and expertise . Design has been by nature an interloper activity, with individuals that have crossed disciplines to question and innovate. Design By Nature has been an interloper activity, with individuals that I have crossed the question Disciplines and Innovate.
The challenge is to transform individual experiences , frameworks and perspectives into a shared, understandable, and, most importantly, a transmittable area of knowledge. The challenge is to transform individual experiences , Frameworks and perspectives into a shared, understandable, and, most importantly, a transmittable area of knowledge. Victor Margolin states three reasons why this will prove difficult: Victor Margolin states Three Reasons why this will Prove Difficult:
• Domain knowledge is a mixture of vocation (discipline) and avocation (interest) creating hybrid definitions that degrade shared knowledge Domain knowledge is a mixture of Vocation (discipline) and avocation (interest) development of hybrid definitions that I Degrade shared knowledge
• Intellectual capital of design and wider scholarly pluralism has diluted focus and shared language which has led to ungovernable laissez-faire values Intellectual capital of design and Wider scholarly pluralism has diluted focus and shared language has led to que ungovernable laissez-faire values
• Individual explorations of design discourse focuses too much on individual narratives leading to personal point-of-view rather than a critical mass of shared values Individual explorations of design discourse focuses too much on individual Narratives leading to personal point-of-view rather than a critical mass of shared values
In the end, design methods is a term that is widely used. In the end, Design Methods is a term widely used is that I. Though conducive to interpretations, it is a shared belief in an exploratory and rigorous method to solve problems through design, an act which is part and parcel of what designers aim to accomplish in today's complex world. Though conducive to interpretations, it is a shared belief in an exploratory and rigorous method to solve problems through design, an act Which is part and parcel of what designers aim to accomplish in today's complex world.
1. ^ John Christopher Jones ir Denisas Thornley (EDS). The Conference on Design Methods: papers presented at the conference on systematic and intuitive methods in engineering, industrial design, architecture and communications, London, September 1962, Pergamon Press. Dėl projektavimo metodai konferencija: Pranešimų tezės apie sistemingą ir intuityvus metodų inžinerijos, pramoninio dizaino, architektūros ir ryšių, Londonas, rugsėjo 1962, Pergamon spaudos konferencija.
2. ^ 1962 conference participants ^ 1962 konferencijos dalyvių
3. ^ John Chris Jones lists key design questions ^ John Chris Jones sąrašus pagrindinius projekto klausimus
4. ^ John Chris Jones thoughts on design research ^ John Chris Jones mintimis apie projekto tyrimas
5. ^ Bayazit, Nigan. ^ Bayazit, Nigan. "Investigating Design: A Review of Forty Years of Design Research." Design Issues: Vol 20, No 1. "Tiriančios Dizainas: tyrimų apžvalga keturiasdešimt metų projektavimo". Design Issues: Vol 20, No 1. Winter 2004. Žiema 2004.
6. ^ AIGA Overview of Jay Doblin ^ AIGA apžvalga Jay Döblin
7. ^ p. ^ p. 82, The Politics of the Artificial 82, Politika Dirbtiniai
8. ^ Mok, Clement. ^ Mok, Klemensas. Designing Business: Multiple Media, Multiple Disciplines. Projektavimas Verslas: Keli Media keletą disciplinų. 1996. 1996 metais. Adobe Press. ISBN 1568302827 Adobe Press. ISBN 1568302827
9. ^ a b (p. 73, Design Methods ) ^ b (p. 73, projektavimo metodai)
10. ^ John Chris Jones perspective about "Design Methods for Everyone" ^ John Chris Jones perspektyvos apie "projektavimo metodai visiems"
11. ^ Schon, Donald A. The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think in Action. ^ Schon, Donald A. Mokslinių interesų sritys: Kaip profesionalai Galvokite veiksmų. 1983. 1983 metais. Basic Books. ISBN 0465068782 . Basic Books. ISBN 0465068782 .
* Jones, John Christopher. Design Methods . Jones, John Christopher. Projektavimo metodai. 1992. 1992 metais. Wiley. ISBN 0471284963 . Wiley. ISBN 0471284963 .
2010 m. birželio 4 d., penktadienis
2010 m. gegužės 24 d., pirmadienis
Methods of assistance reflection

I am going to families with education and training arise, Johnson, and systemic approach to family support models. I have found my work experience that is effective for me.
When I think about family interventions, but usually in four main areas: a simple, crisis, and classic systems.
A. Simple support
Sometimes just a simple request, which is the issues may change the course of events. Just ask for a drink. Believe it or not, it sometimes works.
It is extraordinary how many times it was done, because I believe that nothing was ever changed. And if this were not done, it must always be a first step before making any more complicated or involved in the form of intervention began.
B. Crisis intervention
This is the polar opposite of easy help. Crisis intervention is a dangerous situation, relating to reckless driving, gun, hospital emergency rooms, or violence or threat of violence. Obviously, in these situations that a person is an immediate danger to themselves or others. The immediate objective of these cases is to calm the crisis and create security for all.
I think that a crisis often have golden opportunity for family members to help someone receive help.
C. Classical help
Most family interventions remains Johnson's approach or some variation thereof. It has been used for more than thirty years, thousands of highly successful intervention.
The focus is on the dog. Immediate goal is to introduce a drunkard, treatment, hopefully soon.
Family involvement is different, but at least there is sufficient involvement in the planning of intervention before the day of intervention. Family involvement is often well after the date of the intervention to solve the problems themselves or, or a drunkard.
Family education is primarily aimed at preparing the intervention day. There are often some additional education after the day of the intervention to help families adapt to changing circumstances. Many treatments are a fine family of programs designed to teach family patterns and how to take care of themselves when living with a recovering person.
D. Family system intervention
Family systems interventions focus on family. The goal is that everyone in the family to change their habits, at least according to self-destruktivus behavior, knowing that this pattern of behavior will have a huge impact on the drinker.
In view of the entire process is considered as an intervention. Aid on the same day is not as significant as the more classical approach, because the whole family, including the drinker, is considered as an intervention into. Drunkard sometimes invited to participate in the process of starting.
Family involvement begins with a very strong and will continue to be strong, not a drunkard, or goes into therapy. Educational process is seen as an integral and emphasizes that drug law, the roles of shame and guilt of the family system, behavior and recognition of the possibility of provoking, and state recovery plan for the development of every family. The goal is that every family member to change behavior and thus change the situation or system in which the drinker is thriving.
I think it is important to note that although these forms of intervention have been discussed separately, they are rarely so clear in practice.
2010 m. gegužės 20 d., ketvirtadienis
A review of the social educator practices, I conclude that social work educational methods - is a common social pedagogue and client operating methods in order to solve specific problems. Their choice depends on the social educator job, his dependents contingent nature of the problem, as well as vocational skills and training are equal. I believe that social work can be viewed in two ways: globally and locally. Social work educator enables the public to make real the noble, humane ideas, increasing the national, social, family, youth policy and performance, the role of local government, non-significant early action in the environment decrease in the number of children, abuse of alcohol.
The research method - a scientific tactic, where you can check directly the decision, and science policy issues is needed to address the selection. I think that the social sciences is difficult to discern common patterns, there is no clear methodology on how to explore the public understanding of how human behavior. Each test has its own logic based on specific facts, in the absence of general theories of the researcher in their own way to interpret the survey data.
Everyday and scientific knowledge, not all knowledge is scientific. Scientific knowledge - from daily differs in that it is not a simple accumulation of knowledge, and their system.
I think all agree that the social sciences there are laws of cause and effect. But not always at the real cause is the same effect.
The social sciences are confronted with the certainty and uncertainty, it is alarming, it is sometimes made in reaching the conclusion they should be. The social sciences can never be accurate. Research process and its structure. Each academic area has its own methods. I think it all depends on the method of examination success.
Study is to identify the following phases:
1. Survey design.
2. Problem formulation and assumptions.
3. Distribution of the test procedure.
4. The empirical phase of the study.
5.Theoretical and statistical processing of the product.
6. The results of practical applications.
And the research process can be divided into three main stages:
1. Preparing for the test purpose and objectives of the study nusakymas, study strategy selection, research organization.
2. Fact - gathering.
3. Empirical treatment. Inductive and deductive logic system.
Overall I think the methodology can be defined as a theory, which examines the scientific knowledge of the process, its principles and research methods and techniques for each of the theoretical framework of data to its destination.
Hypothesis - a scientific premise that trying to describe the unknown phenomena. Hypotheses formulation is the most important phase of the study. The hypothesis to explain the issues pertaining to the essence of the problem. It is to be simple.
I think it is necessary to comply with all requirements of test methods and test the way that some researchers could repeat the investigation.
The research method - a scientific tactic, where you can check directly the decision, and science policy issues is needed to address the selection. I think that the social sciences is difficult to discern common patterns, there is no clear methodology on how to explore the public understanding of how human behavior. Each test has its own logic based on specific facts, in the absence of general theories of the researcher in their own way to interpret the survey data.
Everyday and scientific knowledge, not all knowledge is scientific. Scientific knowledge - from daily differs in that it is not a simple accumulation of knowledge, and their system.
I think all agree that the social sciences there are laws of cause and effect. But not always at the real cause is the same effect.
The social sciences are confronted with the certainty and uncertainty, it is alarming, it is sometimes made in reaching the conclusion they should be. The social sciences can never be accurate. Research process and its structure. Each academic area has its own methods. I think it all depends on the method of examination success.
Study is to identify the following phases:
1. Survey design.
2. Problem formulation and assumptions.
3. Distribution of the test procedure.
4. The empirical phase of the study.
5.Theoretical and statistical processing of the product.
6. The results of practical applications.
And the research process can be divided into three main stages:
1. Preparing for the test purpose and objectives of the study nusakymas, study strategy selection, research organization.
2. Fact - gathering.
3. Empirical treatment. Inductive and deductive logic system.
Overall I think the methodology can be defined as a theory, which examines the scientific knowledge of the process, its principles and research methods and techniques for each of the theoretical framework of data to its destination.
Hypothesis - a scientific premise that trying to describe the unknown phenomena. Hypotheses formulation is the most important phase of the study. The hypothesis to explain the issues pertaining to the essence of the problem. It is to be simple.
I think it is necessary to comply with all requirements of test methods and test the way that some researchers could repeat the investigation.
2010 m. gegužės 14 d., penktadienis
Lithuanian and Portugal education system comparison and reflection
Education system in Portugal
Education population and language of instruction in 1998 young people under the age of 30 accounted for 37.4% of the population (3,729,770) and 1,140,394 students were school age. Instruction is in Portuguese.
Preschool education
Pre-primary education is compulsory from the age of 3, 5, and both the public and private kindergartens. State nursery provision for children is free, fees are charged for private kindergartens.
The stages of compulsory education:
• Ensino básico (basic training):
• Escola básica Stage: 6-9 years of age;
• Stage :10-11 years of age;
• The third stage: between 12-15 years of age;
• Education is compulsory from 6 to 15 years of age.
Admission Criteria
Children six months to 15 September must be included in the first academic year in the calendar year. In addition, children who reach the age of 6 years from September 16 to December 31, may be allowed to participate in the first stage of education, where the request is made by their parents or guardians to the school closest to their place of residence (or work) during the annual registration period. Public schools are free of charge.
Length of school day / week / year
The school year is 180 days, usually from mid-September and late June. Schools open five days a week and 25 hours during the first phase and between 30 and 32 3. º Ciclo do ensino básico. Under the revised curriculum in 2001, on the second stage of ensino básico Ciclo do weekly training hours will be 17 lasted about 90 minutes. Some schools operate two shifts. The lesson lasts about 50 minutes, 3. o do ensino básico Ciclo. Annual training hours per year is 788 children between 6 and between 875 and 904 for those 10 years of age or older.
Class size / student group
Class size is determined the main level of the 25th Audience size of the second and third stages ranging from 25 to 28, its highest level. Students are usually divided by age. Students in the first stage, the same teacher teaches all subjects. After that, they are taught by different teachers for each subject / field training.
Curricular control and content
Ministry of Education set the curriculum, school organization can adapt to local circumstances. Teaching methods are set out in the Ministry of Education guidelines and to define the school level, which transfer, which is one for each field of education. Ministry of Education participates in the mandatory publication of course materials, and other textbooks are produced commercially. The main subjects in the first stage of the research relating to the environment, Portuguese, mathematics, personal and social development and religious education.
The second stage is a multidisciplinary areas that include language and social studies, science, mathematics, art and technology education, physical education, personal and social development of open education in schools and provides extra-curricular activities. The main subjects of the third phase to include Portuguese, foreign language, religious education, language and social studies, personal and social development, science, history, geography, mathematics and physical education, as well as one of the options is the second foreign language, music. Education or technical training.
Assessment, progression and qualifications
Assessment is regulated at the national level, and use formative and summative methods. Formative assessment is based on data collected by teachers and used to assess the needs of students and inform parents. The first phase of summative evaluation should be carried out before the second year of teaching. Later tests would be carried out at any time and the stage. At the end of the third stage (last year at the end of compulsory schooling), students must pass the test, which covers all the topics of third-stage curricular subjects (prova Escrito custody). These investigations are the responsibility of each school. Progression during the first phase of the first and second phases due to the teachers.
Under the revised curriculum in 2001, from 2 ° phase of the evaluation Ciclo do ensino básicois not determined by the minimum in specific areas, but with the exclusive class of the competition council. Class Council to determine whether a student receives basic competencies. During and between the second and third phases, driven by student achievement and class act of the Council seats are exams if they wish; poor performance over the three things (they are Portuguese, and mathematics in particular if the two) can result in students repeating the year. At the end of the third stage, all those who demonstrate sufficient participants and passed the exams, was awarded the Basic Education Certificate (Diploma de Ensino básico), those who attended, but did not receive a final assessment of a certificate attesting that they have completed their compulsory education.
Upper secondary and post-secondary education
Education types: Ensino secundaria (secondary education)
Escolas profissionais (vocational schools) - 15 - 17 years old
Training for this level may be, and general education (ensino secundaria / Course in good shape), technology courses (Course Tecnológico) and professional training in vocational schools (escolas profissionais), or arts courses.
Admission Criteria
To enter ensino secundaria, students must have successfully completed a nine-year compulsory education. Students wishing to enter vocational schools (escolas profissionais) should have completed compulsory education or an equivalent qualification. Students in the class depends on class size and ranges between 20 and 26. All students must be 15 years of age or older. State secondary schools are free.
Curricular control and content
National curriculum core subjects in general and technological training in Portuguese, foreign language, an introduction to philosophy, physical education, personal and social education and of religious education. Courses are divided into four sections of study, ie, science and nature, art, economics and social sciences and humanities. Each of these groups, individual courses are designed for both general and technology students. The modular training program at a vocational school courses in the last three years, the 2900 minimum of 3600 hours of training period. The main theme of the social and cultural, scientific, technical, practical training, the arts and technology.
Assessment, progression and qualifications
Formative assessment is carried out by teachers and is mainly descriptive in nature and quality. Summative evaluation of both teachers and the Ministry of Education must ensure homogeneity of the national school survey at the end of the procedure. General written tests must be taken from each high school class (10, 11 and 12 respectively) at the end of the year. The results from these tests used to determine the class of the Council made. The national final examinations, taken three years of general education and successful students will eventually receive a diploma de estudios secundaria, students receive technology training courses, as well as for professional certificate. Vocational schools, successful students receive a de estudios secundaria vocational certificate and diploma.
Higher Education Institution Type:
Higher education in Portugal is a university and polytechnic education and make a public, private or co-operation in higher education institutions. Higher education is the state university and polytechnic institution. Private and cooperation in higher education at universities, nom integrated university colleges, polytechnics and institutions of higher education schools. The link between university and polytechnic sub-systems, as well as between the public and the private sector or in higher education institutions are legally guaranteed.
States shall establish an annual review and access to higher education conditions. Year 2001/2002 on access to higher education (national competition) were the following: have successfully completed the 12 th years of training or the same (national examination);
Sat a national specific examinations in higher education student wants to participate, met the conditions of higher education student wants to attend, if necessary. In addition to the national competition there are no special conditions for applicants of the specific situations of the law. Qualifications two higher education systems, universities and polytechnics, consisting of bacharelato and Licenciatura degree. Most Licenciatura Polytechnic has divided into two cycles, the first of the bacharelato degree. This two-step Licenciatura is attractive for polytechnic education in vocational education is more concerned with the investigation continued. These Licenciatura awarded after 4-5 years of study, and universities are awarded after 4-6 years of study. In Bacharelato degree is awarded in both cases after 3 years of study. Postgraduate degree (mestrado and doutoramento) is awarded only by universities.
Education and Training Methods
Almost all countries in educational methods are the same, but it depends on the education system in each country, but how and where (in primary school, primary schools, universities) that these methods. Over the past ten years have certainly seen significant changes in the education of an independent Lithuania. However, our seeking to enter the European Community made use and adapt a more democratic and flexible teaching methods witch leads to better communication between teachers and pupils. Socio-economic change in Lithuania and world economic trends (technological progress, in particular) gave the new requirements of the professional activity of the Lithuanian people. Foreground long enough now, so it should be updated. Foreign language and computer skills knowledge, for example, should one day to get a better job. Continuing education is becoming one of the key factors of professional optimization. Lifelong learning is seen here as in any organized form started to work.
Lithuanian education system is based on the success of the heritage and culture: the individual values, humanism, equality between people, freedom of conscience, tolerance and allocation norms and principles in relation to any democratic society. Educational standards in the laws and acts of the Republic of Lithuania regulates meet democratic standards established under international law. They stress that education should foster mutual understanding and tolerance of each nation and each racial or religious group, without exception. Education must do everything that people belonging to ethnic minorities, understand the culture and language of their country and play a constructive involvement in activities and daily life in society.
Education in Lithuania based on the following principles:
1) civil harmony, integration and solidarity;
2) The Open Society and sociocultural integration;
3) Preference is for individuals and families, their educational needs;
4) Maintenance ethno-cultural identity of the peoples of Lithuania, the cultural cooperation between cultural reasons, progress in Lithuania;
5) Consistency with the principles of international law and standards, the European Council and other organizations;
6) The "universal nature of education;
7) Develop a policy of ethnic minorities.
Now it is very important to create an autonomous subject, a free, self-confident, active, creative human being. There are a lot of things, which depends on education and the teaching methods. There are a wide variety of teaching methods and many teachers from Lithuania, who wrote about it. Well-known teacher of A. Contributor, A. Pauriene, T. Contributor, J. Vaitkevicius, R. Vasiliauskas, they're interested in learning the problem of teaching methods and educational reform in Lithuania, a democratic and humanistic principles for effective teaching methods, etc. They are but three main groups of teaching methods, a news source. These sources are: Word (word), image (view), practices (practical activities). Thus, teaching methods: the verbal (oral), the image (visually), practitioners (practical).
The main teaching methods:
Word (Word), Oral methods (oral methods): Session (lecturing);
Chat (talk) Spauzdintinių sources: (a case of teaching) debate (discussion), Image (view) Image methods (visual method): Demonstrations (show), monitoring (surveillance); tour (tours); Practice
(Practical action) practical methods (practical methods): writing exercises and writing (writing exercises, and word form) Training for the use of technical tools (training and technical equipment), laboratory (science laboratories).
Talk in class
Lecture is often equated with high school. This is changing rapidly, but as university teachers began to recognize that not all students benefit from lectures or lecture is the most effective way to disseminate information. Initially, teacher reads the audience, because access to the written material was limited, and many students were illiterate. Printing process digital information and general literacy, have fundamentally altered the function of the teacher.
Lecture still has its rightful place among the many other training methods, but have to ask the question, which technique will best help students learn? " Some possible topics of lectures naturally than others. Lecture is valid for the following reasons: to provide structure and organization, distributed materials, to help pace student learning, enhance discussion include the provision of alternative sources of information or perspective, and to use public speaking to motivate students.
Preparing for the lesson
Being in the same room as someone said something that is not equivalent to learning. Students must attend substance to preserve it. Moreover, given that student attention span of about 15 to 20 minutes long and university teams last 50-75 minutes, the teacher has something to keep your attention. Lectures should be periodically marked activity. The teacher can make a short brake from two to five minutes, then students will be reenergized for the next 15 - 20 minutes Mini - Lecture.
Planning Lecture
When the teacher begins to plan lecture, first consider your audience. Undergraduate students are wide cross-section of skills and backgrounds, and may enter college with varying levels of expertise. The teacher must keep in mind, I want to talk over their heads, to protect them. It has to be more effective if he tries as much as possible based on knowledge they already have, or seek to experience that, by analogy, costume theme.
Before preparing the lecture, a lecturer must ask ourselves: how to lecture for the entire course? What are the main objectives? Does he want to give students an overview of the subject, give them some basic information, or cause them to further contemplation?
Some held that the essence of this topic is indeed suitable for lectures and found that both the objectives and the level of knowledge the audience, he still must make sure that what he is ordered to fit within a specified period of time. The typical instructor cry that there is so much material, so little time.
Education population and language of instruction at the beginning of the year 2000, people aged 29 or number was 1,542,284 (41.7% of the total population). Children of school age the figure was 511 984th The official Lithuanian language of instruction.
Preschool education
Pre-primary education is regarded as first-class educational system. It provides for children from 18 months to 6 or 7 years old. These schools (kindergarten, kindergarten-Kindergarten, Nursery school - school) within the local authority. Parents must pay fees established by the founder.
Compulsory education levels:
Primary school (primary) - 6/7-9/10 years of age; primary school (lower secondary education) -9/10-16/17 years of age;
Gymnasium (lower secondary education) - 14/15-16/17 years of age;
Vocational school (lower secondary professional) - 14-16/17 years of age;
Junior school (lower secondary education) - 11/12-22 years of age;
Boarding school (lower secondary education) - 9/10-16/17 years
By law, children can start compulsory education until the age of 6. It ends when they reach the age of 16.
Admission Criteria
Public sector primary and lower secondary schools is free. Parents can enroll their children into school of their choice.
Length of school day / week / year
Academic year to 5 (primary education and lower secondary school starts) a form of minimum 170 days of training, education and years of lower secondary education, the end of 195 days of training to a minimum. Subjects (22 lessons lasting 35 minutes from the start of primary school, and 27 lessons of 45 minutes and lower secondary schooling) are spread over five days per week in primary and lower secondary education at the beginning, and within five, six or five or six days (mixed version) per week (depending on the school board decision) in lower secondary education is completed. The minimum number of hours of training per year to 436.3 for primary education, and 688.5 for lower secondary school classes.
Class size / student group
The law sets the maximum number of students in a class of 24 primary schools and 30 secondary schools in the lower classes. Mixed class, and students of the same age. In elementary school, classes are taught in one teacher (if any thing a teacher can teach any one of the subjects, mostly religion, foreign languages, physical culture, art or music). Lower secondary level, each subject is taught by a specialist teacher.
Curricular control and content
In elementary schools, all of these things are mandatory (as Minister), and is the same for all students (except for moral education - parents can choose whether their children receive religious instruction is necessary, according to the currency, or lessons in ethics). Since 2000/2001, in accordance with strengthened enforcement of the provisions proposed to be: early foreign language instruction, art education and targeted belonged / extended training in some other things. Submission to the other things suggested the general level. Teachers have the right to use teaching methods and textbooks of their choice from a list approved by the Ministry of Education. Lower secondary school, compulsory subjects (17) are studied for all students, but it can be for many different lessons. The instruction is usually offered a single, common level. Decision of each school, students may be offered more intensive program of foreign languages, fine arts, music and physical education teachers.
Assessment, progression and qualifications
Students are continuously assessed by their teachers and the evaluation results are always reported to parents. The difficulty with students can be back in a year. At the end of primary school, pupils automatically move to the next level without an examination. After crossing into the six-year primary school, the final exam is organized in each establishment at the end of the 10th year (the final year of compulsory education from 1999-2000 at the end). These examinations determine the Ministry of Education is compulsory for all students. Completion certificate on completion of compulsory education provides students with access to secondary education is completed.
Admission Criteria
Certificate of completion after the end of compulsory education requires a general and vocational upper secondary schools. Students can apply for admission to their chosen school. Admission to post-secondary vocational schools (vocational schools) and colleges (college) is based on secondary school leaving certificate.
Curricular control and content
About the gymnasium and secondary school curriculum, as defined at the national level. General education schools are compulsory subjects for all pupils of the same. In 2000/2001 disciplinary introduction of secondary flows, number of training hours per subject, depending on traffic and level of education (which is chosen by a student, and may be key:
B - total (gross);
I - expanded (extended);
T - target (Target).
In vocational schools and colleges set their own programs on the basis of directives drawn up by the Ministry of Education. Number of hours required by General Number four years of vocational education in schools depends on the hours, the general education curriculum number. Teachers have the right freely to choose their teaching methods and textbooks (from the list approved by the Ministry of the general education subjects).
Assessment, progression and qualifications
The student assessment procedures similar to those of compulsory education. In general secondary education, the final exam set by the Ministry of Education is compulsory for all students. The certificate awarded passing the exam (Baccalaureate, BRAND carry out the work or function) gives students the opportunity to post-secondary vocational and higher education. Professional school graduation rates the final examination (theoretical and practical), which differ in content, according to the program. Students may be awarded a professional qualification certificate (CERTIFICATE QUALIFICATION) or Diploma qualified workers (skilled worker diplomas). After the end of the professional schools, students are awarded a National Diploma, college graduation (Public higher education diploma). Professional qualifications, skills training and college degree completion of each grant students access to the occupation of a diploma.
Higher Education Institution Type:
Higher education consists of university-level courses offered by universities and academies. They are of three academics (basic, specialist and doctoral).
Non-university higher education sector was established in 2000 following the passing of the Law on Higher Education. The first non-university higher education institutions in the name of the College (4 public and 3 non-state) has been established on the basis of a folk high school (vocational colleges) basis.
Secondary school-leaving certificate (secondary school leaving to work or function) requires that all higher education institutions. And at the higher education based on the adoption of selection for secondary school leaving exam results. Colleges may specify the institutional requirements for acceptance. In order to identify students' specific skills, higher education institutions may organize not more than two examinations or tests.
Non-university level courses in each subject is the investigation is completed, or student self-study (Project) to test whether the credit assessment of the invoice. Each program consists of courses, final exams and / or defense of thesis / program of study. After completion of university studies, students are awarded a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree or professional qualification (such as teacher, engineer, artist, etc..) Graduates can continue to comply with the specialized higher education or training, a master's degree (master's degree) lasting one and a half to two years. Students who have master's degree can make a doctor.
Comparing the educational system in Lithuania and Portugal, we realized that the key points are:
• There is no Lithuanian travel.
• Lithuanian primary school is separated from the main school.
• The school year starts at different times in Portugal and Lithuania;
• Lesson length is different: in Portugal 50 - 90 min. Lithuania and 45min. Weekly number of hours is also very different: 788 h in Portugal Since the age of 6, 875 to 904 hours over 10 years, but Lithuania 436.3 in primary school and secondary schools 688.5.
• There are a few deferent types of higher education Lithuania:
Gymnasium (secondary) - 16/17-18/19 years of age;
School median (middle), - 16/17-18/19 years of age;
Professional School (vocational upper secondary) - 16/17-19/20 years of age;
Professional School (vocational post-secondary) - 18/19-20/21 years of age;
Superior School (vocational post-secondary) - 18/19-21, 5 / 22, 5 years ago.
Higher education institutions in the name of the College (4 public and 3 non-state)
Post-secondary school (vocational school).
Higher education consists of university-level courses in universities and academies.
Ensino secundaria (secondary education);
Escolas profissionais (vocational schools) - 15-17;
Higher education in Portugal is a university and polytechnic education and make
public, private or co-operation in higher education institutions.
As you can see both sides of differences. However, all parties to the differences in education systems as the main differences between the history, culture, economics, etc., but the main ace is the same all over the world.
That the main structure of the teaching methods we can see that there is no complete list of them, because we can not even count them, teachers are hard working on it. Thus, teaching methods Lithuanian school teachers depends on the imagination and labor in particular, this means that the basic techniques are the same, but used in different ways in different situations.
Education population and language of instruction in 1998 young people under the age of 30 accounted for 37.4% of the population (3,729,770) and 1,140,394 students were school age. Instruction is in Portuguese.
Preschool education
Pre-primary education is compulsory from the age of 3, 5, and both the public and private kindergartens. State nursery provision for children is free, fees are charged for private kindergartens.
The stages of compulsory education:
• Ensino básico (basic training):
• Escola básica Stage: 6-9 years of age;
• Stage :10-11 years of age;
• The third stage: between 12-15 years of age;
• Education is compulsory from 6 to 15 years of age.
Admission Criteria
Children six months to 15 September must be included in the first academic year in the calendar year. In addition, children who reach the age of 6 years from September 16 to December 31, may be allowed to participate in the first stage of education, where the request is made by their parents or guardians to the school closest to their place of residence (or work) during the annual registration period. Public schools are free of charge.
Length of school day / week / year
The school year is 180 days, usually from mid-September and late June. Schools open five days a week and 25 hours during the first phase and between 30 and 32 3. º Ciclo do ensino básico. Under the revised curriculum in 2001, on the second stage of ensino básico Ciclo do weekly training hours will be 17 lasted about 90 minutes. Some schools operate two shifts. The lesson lasts about 50 minutes, 3. o do ensino básico Ciclo. Annual training hours per year is 788 children between 6 and between 875 and 904 for those 10 years of age or older.
Class size / student group
Class size is determined the main level of the 25th Audience size of the second and third stages ranging from 25 to 28, its highest level. Students are usually divided by age. Students in the first stage, the same teacher teaches all subjects. After that, they are taught by different teachers for each subject / field training.
Curricular control and content
Ministry of Education set the curriculum, school organization can adapt to local circumstances. Teaching methods are set out in the Ministry of Education guidelines and to define the school level, which transfer, which is one for each field of education. Ministry of Education participates in the mandatory publication of course materials, and other textbooks are produced commercially. The main subjects in the first stage of the research relating to the environment, Portuguese, mathematics, personal and social development and religious education.
The second stage is a multidisciplinary areas that include language and social studies, science, mathematics, art and technology education, physical education, personal and social development of open education in schools and provides extra-curricular activities. The main subjects of the third phase to include Portuguese, foreign language, religious education, language and social studies, personal and social development, science, history, geography, mathematics and physical education, as well as one of the options is the second foreign language, music. Education or technical training.
Assessment, progression and qualifications
Assessment is regulated at the national level, and use formative and summative methods. Formative assessment is based on data collected by teachers and used to assess the needs of students and inform parents. The first phase of summative evaluation should be carried out before the second year of teaching. Later tests would be carried out at any time and the stage. At the end of the third stage (last year at the end of compulsory schooling), students must pass the test, which covers all the topics of third-stage curricular subjects (prova Escrito custody). These investigations are the responsibility of each school. Progression during the first phase of the first and second phases due to the teachers.
Under the revised curriculum in 2001, from 2 ° phase of the evaluation Ciclo do ensino básicois not determined by the minimum in specific areas, but with the exclusive class of the competition council. Class Council to determine whether a student receives basic competencies. During and between the second and third phases, driven by student achievement and class act of the Council seats are exams if they wish; poor performance over the three things (they are Portuguese, and mathematics in particular if the two) can result in students repeating the year. At the end of the third stage, all those who demonstrate sufficient participants and passed the exams, was awarded the Basic Education Certificate (Diploma de Ensino básico), those who attended, but did not receive a final assessment of a certificate attesting that they have completed their compulsory education.
Upper secondary and post-secondary education
Education types: Ensino secundaria (secondary education)
Escolas profissionais (vocational schools) - 15 - 17 years old
Training for this level may be, and general education (ensino secundaria / Course in good shape), technology courses (Course Tecnológico) and professional training in vocational schools (escolas profissionais), or arts courses.
Admission Criteria
To enter ensino secundaria, students must have successfully completed a nine-year compulsory education. Students wishing to enter vocational schools (escolas profissionais) should have completed compulsory education or an equivalent qualification. Students in the class depends on class size and ranges between 20 and 26. All students must be 15 years of age or older. State secondary schools are free.
Curricular control and content
National curriculum core subjects in general and technological training in Portuguese, foreign language, an introduction to philosophy, physical education, personal and social education and of religious education. Courses are divided into four sections of study, ie, science and nature, art, economics and social sciences and humanities. Each of these groups, individual courses are designed for both general and technology students. The modular training program at a vocational school courses in the last three years, the 2900 minimum of 3600 hours of training period. The main theme of the social and cultural, scientific, technical, practical training, the arts and technology.
Assessment, progression and qualifications
Formative assessment is carried out by teachers and is mainly descriptive in nature and quality. Summative evaluation of both teachers and the Ministry of Education must ensure homogeneity of the national school survey at the end of the procedure. General written tests must be taken from each high school class (10, 11 and 12 respectively) at the end of the year. The results from these tests used to determine the class of the Council made. The national final examinations, taken three years of general education and successful students will eventually receive a diploma de estudios secundaria, students receive technology training courses, as well as for professional certificate. Vocational schools, successful students receive a de estudios secundaria vocational certificate and diploma.
Higher Education Institution Type:
Higher education in Portugal is a university and polytechnic education and make a public, private or co-operation in higher education institutions. Higher education is the state university and polytechnic institution. Private and cooperation in higher education at universities, nom integrated university colleges, polytechnics and institutions of higher education schools. The link between university and polytechnic sub-systems, as well as between the public and the private sector or in higher education institutions are legally guaranteed.
States shall establish an annual review and access to higher education conditions. Year 2001/2002 on access to higher education (national competition) were the following: have successfully completed the 12 th years of training or the same (national examination);
Sat a national specific examinations in higher education student wants to participate, met the conditions of higher education student wants to attend, if necessary. In addition to the national competition there are no special conditions for applicants of the specific situations of the law. Qualifications two higher education systems, universities and polytechnics, consisting of bacharelato and Licenciatura degree. Most Licenciatura Polytechnic has divided into two cycles, the first of the bacharelato degree. This two-step Licenciatura is attractive for polytechnic education in vocational education is more concerned with the investigation continued. These Licenciatura awarded after 4-5 years of study, and universities are awarded after 4-6 years of study. In Bacharelato degree is awarded in both cases after 3 years of study. Postgraduate degree (mestrado and doutoramento) is awarded only by universities.
Education and Training Methods
Almost all countries in educational methods are the same, but it depends on the education system in each country, but how and where (in primary school, primary schools, universities) that these methods. Over the past ten years have certainly seen significant changes in the education of an independent Lithuania. However, our seeking to enter the European Community made use and adapt a more democratic and flexible teaching methods witch leads to better communication between teachers and pupils. Socio-economic change in Lithuania and world economic trends (technological progress, in particular) gave the new requirements of the professional activity of the Lithuanian people. Foreground long enough now, so it should be updated. Foreign language and computer skills knowledge, for example, should one day to get a better job. Continuing education is becoming one of the key factors of professional optimization. Lifelong learning is seen here as in any organized form started to work.
Lithuanian education system is based on the success of the heritage and culture: the individual values, humanism, equality between people, freedom of conscience, tolerance and allocation norms and principles in relation to any democratic society. Educational standards in the laws and acts of the Republic of Lithuania regulates meet democratic standards established under international law. They stress that education should foster mutual understanding and tolerance of each nation and each racial or religious group, without exception. Education must do everything that people belonging to ethnic minorities, understand the culture and language of their country and play a constructive involvement in activities and daily life in society.
Education in Lithuania based on the following principles:
1) civil harmony, integration and solidarity;
2) The Open Society and sociocultural integration;
3) Preference is for individuals and families, their educational needs;
4) Maintenance ethno-cultural identity of the peoples of Lithuania, the cultural cooperation between cultural reasons, progress in Lithuania;
5) Consistency with the principles of international law and standards, the European Council and other organizations;
6) The "universal nature of education;
7) Develop a policy of ethnic minorities.
Now it is very important to create an autonomous subject, a free, self-confident, active, creative human being. There are a lot of things, which depends on education and the teaching methods. There are a wide variety of teaching methods and many teachers from Lithuania, who wrote about it. Well-known teacher of A. Contributor, A. Pauriene, T. Contributor, J. Vaitkevicius, R. Vasiliauskas, they're interested in learning the problem of teaching methods and educational reform in Lithuania, a democratic and humanistic principles for effective teaching methods, etc. They are but three main groups of teaching methods, a news source. These sources are: Word (word), image (view), practices (practical activities). Thus, teaching methods: the verbal (oral), the image (visually), practitioners (practical).
The main teaching methods:
Word (Word), Oral methods (oral methods): Session (lecturing);
Chat (talk) Spauzdintinių sources: (a case of teaching) debate (discussion), Image (view) Image methods (visual method): Demonstrations (show), monitoring (surveillance); tour (tours); Practice
(Practical action) practical methods (practical methods): writing exercises and writing (writing exercises, and word form) Training for the use of technical tools (training and technical equipment), laboratory (science laboratories).
Talk in class
Lecture is often equated with high school. This is changing rapidly, but as university teachers began to recognize that not all students benefit from lectures or lecture is the most effective way to disseminate information. Initially, teacher reads the audience, because access to the written material was limited, and many students were illiterate. Printing process digital information and general literacy, have fundamentally altered the function of the teacher.
Lecture still has its rightful place among the many other training methods, but have to ask the question, which technique will best help students learn? " Some possible topics of lectures naturally than others. Lecture is valid for the following reasons: to provide structure and organization, distributed materials, to help pace student learning, enhance discussion include the provision of alternative sources of information or perspective, and to use public speaking to motivate students.
Preparing for the lesson
Being in the same room as someone said something that is not equivalent to learning. Students must attend substance to preserve it. Moreover, given that student attention span of about 15 to 20 minutes long and university teams last 50-75 minutes, the teacher has something to keep your attention. Lectures should be periodically marked activity. The teacher can make a short brake from two to five minutes, then students will be reenergized for the next 15 - 20 minutes Mini - Lecture.
Planning Lecture
When the teacher begins to plan lecture, first consider your audience. Undergraduate students are wide cross-section of skills and backgrounds, and may enter college with varying levels of expertise. The teacher must keep in mind, I want to talk over their heads, to protect them. It has to be more effective if he tries as much as possible based on knowledge they already have, or seek to experience that, by analogy, costume theme.
Before preparing the lecture, a lecturer must ask ourselves: how to lecture for the entire course? What are the main objectives? Does he want to give students an overview of the subject, give them some basic information, or cause them to further contemplation?
Some held that the essence of this topic is indeed suitable for lectures and found that both the objectives and the level of knowledge the audience, he still must make sure that what he is ordered to fit within a specified period of time. The typical instructor cry that there is so much material, so little time.
Education population and language of instruction at the beginning of the year 2000, people aged 29 or number was 1,542,284 (41.7% of the total population). Children of school age the figure was 511 984th The official Lithuanian language of instruction.
Preschool education
Pre-primary education is regarded as first-class educational system. It provides for children from 18 months to 6 or 7 years old. These schools (kindergarten, kindergarten-Kindergarten, Nursery school - school) within the local authority. Parents must pay fees established by the founder.
Compulsory education levels:
Primary school (primary) - 6/7-9/10 years of age; primary school (lower secondary education) -9/10-16/17 years of age;
Gymnasium (lower secondary education) - 14/15-16/17 years of age;
Vocational school (lower secondary professional) - 14-16/17 years of age;
Junior school (lower secondary education) - 11/12-22 years of age;
Boarding school (lower secondary education) - 9/10-16/17 years
By law, children can start compulsory education until the age of 6. It ends when they reach the age of 16.
Admission Criteria
Public sector primary and lower secondary schools is free. Parents can enroll their children into school of their choice.
Length of school day / week / year
Academic year to 5 (primary education and lower secondary school starts) a form of minimum 170 days of training, education and years of lower secondary education, the end of 195 days of training to a minimum. Subjects (22 lessons lasting 35 minutes from the start of primary school, and 27 lessons of 45 minutes and lower secondary schooling) are spread over five days per week in primary and lower secondary education at the beginning, and within five, six or five or six days (mixed version) per week (depending on the school board decision) in lower secondary education is completed. The minimum number of hours of training per year to 436.3 for primary education, and 688.5 for lower secondary school classes.
Class size / student group
The law sets the maximum number of students in a class of 24 primary schools and 30 secondary schools in the lower classes. Mixed class, and students of the same age. In elementary school, classes are taught in one teacher (if any thing a teacher can teach any one of the subjects, mostly religion, foreign languages, physical culture, art or music). Lower secondary level, each subject is taught by a specialist teacher.
Curricular control and content
In elementary schools, all of these things are mandatory (as Minister), and is the same for all students (except for moral education - parents can choose whether their children receive religious instruction is necessary, according to the currency, or lessons in ethics). Since 2000/2001, in accordance with strengthened enforcement of the provisions proposed to be: early foreign language instruction, art education and targeted belonged / extended training in some other things. Submission to the other things suggested the general level. Teachers have the right to use teaching methods and textbooks of their choice from a list approved by the Ministry of Education. Lower secondary school, compulsory subjects (17) are studied for all students, but it can be for many different lessons. The instruction is usually offered a single, common level. Decision of each school, students may be offered more intensive program of foreign languages, fine arts, music and physical education teachers.
Assessment, progression and qualifications
Students are continuously assessed by their teachers and the evaluation results are always reported to parents. The difficulty with students can be back in a year. At the end of primary school, pupils automatically move to the next level without an examination. After crossing into the six-year primary school, the final exam is organized in each establishment at the end of the 10th year (the final year of compulsory education from 1999-2000 at the end). These examinations determine the Ministry of Education is compulsory for all students. Completion certificate on completion of compulsory education provides students with access to secondary education is completed.
Admission Criteria
Certificate of completion after the end of compulsory education requires a general and vocational upper secondary schools. Students can apply for admission to their chosen school. Admission to post-secondary vocational schools (vocational schools) and colleges (college) is based on secondary school leaving certificate.
Curricular control and content
About the gymnasium and secondary school curriculum, as defined at the national level. General education schools are compulsory subjects for all pupils of the same. In 2000/2001 disciplinary introduction of secondary flows, number of training hours per subject, depending on traffic and level of education (which is chosen by a student, and may be key:
B - total (gross);
I - expanded (extended);
T - target (Target).
In vocational schools and colleges set their own programs on the basis of directives drawn up by the Ministry of Education. Number of hours required by General Number four years of vocational education in schools depends on the hours, the general education curriculum number. Teachers have the right freely to choose their teaching methods and textbooks (from the list approved by the Ministry of the general education subjects).
Assessment, progression and qualifications
The student assessment procedures similar to those of compulsory education. In general secondary education, the final exam set by the Ministry of Education is compulsory for all students. The certificate awarded passing the exam (Baccalaureate, BRAND carry out the work or function) gives students the opportunity to post-secondary vocational and higher education. Professional school graduation rates the final examination (theoretical and practical), which differ in content, according to the program. Students may be awarded a professional qualification certificate (CERTIFICATE QUALIFICATION) or Diploma qualified workers (skilled worker diplomas). After the end of the professional schools, students are awarded a National Diploma, college graduation (Public higher education diploma). Professional qualifications, skills training and college degree completion of each grant students access to the occupation of a diploma.
Higher Education Institution Type:
Higher education consists of university-level courses offered by universities and academies. They are of three academics (basic, specialist and doctoral).
Non-university higher education sector was established in 2000 following the passing of the Law on Higher Education. The first non-university higher education institutions in the name of the College (4 public and 3 non-state) has been established on the basis of a folk high school (vocational colleges) basis.
Secondary school-leaving certificate (secondary school leaving to work or function) requires that all higher education institutions. And at the higher education based on the adoption of selection for secondary school leaving exam results. Colleges may specify the institutional requirements for acceptance. In order to identify students' specific skills, higher education institutions may organize not more than two examinations or tests.
Non-university level courses in each subject is the investigation is completed, or student self-study (Project) to test whether the credit assessment of the invoice. Each program consists of courses, final exams and / or defense of thesis / program of study. After completion of university studies, students are awarded a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree or professional qualification (such as teacher, engineer, artist, etc..) Graduates can continue to comply with the specialized higher education or training, a master's degree (master's degree) lasting one and a half to two years. Students who have master's degree can make a doctor.
Comparing the educational system in Lithuania and Portugal, we realized that the key points are:
• There is no Lithuanian travel.
• Lithuanian primary school is separated from the main school.
• The school year starts at different times in Portugal and Lithuania;
• Lesson length is different: in Portugal 50 - 90 min. Lithuania and 45min. Weekly number of hours is also very different: 788 h in Portugal Since the age of 6, 875 to 904 hours over 10 years, but Lithuania 436.3 in primary school and secondary schools 688.5.
• There are a few deferent types of higher education Lithuania:
Gymnasium (secondary) - 16/17-18/19 years of age;
School median (middle), - 16/17-18/19 years of age;
Professional School (vocational upper secondary) - 16/17-19/20 years of age;
Professional School (vocational post-secondary) - 18/19-20/21 years of age;
Superior School (vocational post-secondary) - 18/19-21, 5 / 22, 5 years ago.
Higher education institutions in the name of the College (4 public and 3 non-state)
Post-secondary school (vocational school).
Higher education consists of university-level courses in universities and academies.
Ensino secundaria (secondary education);
Escolas profissionais (vocational schools) - 15-17;
Higher education in Portugal is a university and polytechnic education and make
public, private or co-operation in higher education institutions.
As you can see both sides of differences. However, all parties to the differences in education systems as the main differences between the history, culture, economics, etc., but the main ace is the same all over the world.
That the main structure of the teaching methods we can see that there is no complete list of them, because we can not even count them, teachers are hard working on it. Thus, teaching methods Lithuanian school teachers depends on the imagination and labor in particular, this means that the basic techniques are the same, but used in different ways in different situations.
2010 m. balandžio 29 d., ketvirtadienis
Film reflection
The man appeared about 3 million years ago. And he still walked four. After about a million years ago Homo erectus appeared, namely vertical man. He started walking on two legs.
Evolution - a process in which the changing environment and changing the genetic material of an object. In other words, humans to 3 million years have been very good to walk four, because it was the appropriate environmental conditions. After a million years environmental conditions have changed. Somehow, people became more comfortable to live vertical. There was a man of genetic modifications and adapted to new environmental conditions.
The man has not changed to adapt to environmental conditions and create the conditions for himself. The word CREATE. It comes from the word create, stoke the fire. The man started to fire, then he settled in warm houses, and later began to develop a variety of mechanisms. In other words, the man started to work. Instead of simply switch to another, warmer place, the man learned to put a lot of effort to create a warm place where you wanted it. Laziness Homo, homo faber by - working man. Since then, we're working on. We are working day and night. Because we are homo faber - man employed. If a man is not the inventor of tools and fire, it would nevoliucionavęs.
Evolution goes through living beings who wish to find happiness in this world. In each of their behavior and thoughts, even their efforts to comply with all the virtuous life forces. Such people are always progressing, life after life is Going to the higher planetary systems, and gaining more and more intelligent forms of life. It is evolution, egoistic desires sunyksta, but not completely. This always remains a possibility degradation.
Evolution - a process in which the changing environment and changing the genetic material of an object. In other words, humans to 3 million years have been very good to walk four, because it was the appropriate environmental conditions. After a million years environmental conditions have changed. Somehow, people became more comfortable to live vertical. There was a man of genetic modifications and adapted to new environmental conditions.
The man has not changed to adapt to environmental conditions and create the conditions for himself. The word CREATE. It comes from the word create, stoke the fire. The man started to fire, then he settled in warm houses, and later began to develop a variety of mechanisms. In other words, the man started to work. Instead of simply switch to another, warmer place, the man learned to put a lot of effort to create a warm place where you wanted it. Laziness Homo, homo faber by - working man. Since then, we're working on. We are working day and night. Because we are homo faber - man employed. If a man is not the inventor of tools and fire, it would nevoliucionavęs.
Evolution goes through living beings who wish to find happiness in this world. In each of their behavior and thoughts, even their efforts to comply with all the virtuous life forces. Such people are always progressing, life after life is Going to the higher planetary systems, and gaining more and more intelligent forms of life. It is evolution, egoistic desires sunyksta, but not completely. This always remains a possibility degradation.
2010 m. balandžio 24 d., šeštadienis
Social Work Methodology, Methods, Technique
• Social work - a new scientific and practical activities and many aspects of the theory is debatable;
• Social work approaches the problem of their classification, description of the topic by academics and practitioners;
• METHOD - philosophical and scientific knowledge of the system and method of reasoning, as well as knowledge of reality as a package;
• The method is there a human practice, the methods were consistent with the characteristics and laws of reality;
• Methodology - a set of principles and methods by which organized and developed the theoretical and practical activities, as well as training on the system.
Social Work Methodology
• Methodology used when you want to get knowledge about the object, the methods used to ensure the reliability of knowledge and validity of the conclusions, using adequate procedures for obtaining knowledge;
• Social work in a methodological aspect can be dealt with in three ways:
• If you work as a social science discipline is key - understanding social reality, how it relates to practical work with the reality of conversion.
Social work as a science
• Research topics is dependent on the level achieved in the field of knowledge, social practices, and moderate development of others.;
• Social work research subject - is the social groups and individuals contact, peer interaction, behavior in society and the ways of the regulatory process.
• Eg. Social work is the subject of elderly people, pensioners, the disabled, severely ill, children, people who find themselves in difficult life situations
• Studies have further scientific knowledge about the person, help people and ways to improve the social well-being
Social work as a science methods
• Science has a very rigorous approach to knowledge acquisition techniques;
• If there is no scientific method to investigate the phenomenon, which means that there is no scientific knowledge;
• A distinction of two levels of scientific knowledge: the empirical and theoretical
• EMPIRICAL - characteristic of real, perceived objects of study 'feelings;
• On the empirical level, the observations, measurements and experiments are under investigation about the objects, natural phenomena, accumulation process;
• Carry out a systematization of data generated by the tables, charts, graphs
• MONITORING - as individuals and social phenomena of specificity method for the fixation of their behavioral manifestations basis;
• experiments - the active mode of cognition of reality, it provides the targeted intervention research to the test situation and management.
• SURVEY - by the respondents (more sociology course). Uses statistical methods
• Passive tracking allows you to answer the question How? In what way is it happening?
• The experiment provides the opportunity to find the answer to the other question why is it happening?
• scientific literature, document analysis - allows you to find out what is already known to the investigated area: what has been done, discovered, to learn about the latest research papers, the contents of documents;
• historical method - used in documents, business description text, which atsispindimos human experiences, the provisions of concepts, experiences, highlighting the historical specificities of the phenomenon under investigation in the context of the times;
• QUALITATIVE CONTENT (content) ANALYSIS METHOD - the material may include various forms of communication (eg, written texts (books, newspapers, magazines, documents, letters), including political messages), instant messenger - open question, written in the text of the interview, the expert assessments.
• practices - operating mode to achieve the objective, methods of operation:
• Sociological Methods - an information gathering function - (The collection of data on the client);
• Pedagogical methods in social work:
• knowledge, understanding of construction methods, education, counseling, empowerment to act;
• Assent methods;
• Personality in the work methods;
• teaching methods of correction;
Psychological Methods 4: psichodiagnostika, psychological counseling, psychological screening, sweats, autotreningas, behavior, motivation, communication, self-evaluation of the correction methods.
5th Socio-economic methods in kind and cash assistance, relief, allowance, home service, domestic service, appointment and promotion material like;
6.Organizaciniai solutions-based methods of legislation:
• Regulation - to establish and maintain organizational arrangements, obligations (Orders, Staff Regulations);
• rationing - eg., The number of clients standard of service, service time and the standard of others.;
• Instruction - providing advice, informatikon
7th Pedagogical Psychology:
• persuasion - an interpretation, advice, reasoning, recommendation, positive sample;
• Psychological adjustment;
• Teaching and training methods;
• Social Therapy - behavioral adjustment measures, ensuring the normal development of personality self-evaluation. There may be individual and group therapy format, family therapy, work therapy, and others.;
• Social Work methods shall be determined according to the manner and purpose of the social worker organizes a system of interaction with individuals, groups, greater community;
• Traditional social division of labor:
• SOCIAL WORK of the individual - the initial communication, problem-situation analysis, setting goals and objectives, individual relationship with environment and / or you change the overall result Implementation;
• SOCIAL WORK WITH THE GROUP - a group of participants on reflection, debate - (correction model). The social worker is an agent;
• Social work in community - communities, of community development, coordination, organization of companies
• INDIVIDUAL MANAGEMENT - area of individual social work in recent years, social workers started to call manager (case manager);
• INDIVIDUAL MANAGEMENT - social work method - which involves support services for the individual and the organization and coordination, t, y:
• Data collection and analysis;
• Strategic foresight;
• Social assistance for the monitoring process;
SOCIAL SUPPORT NETWORK ORGANISATION - relations between the individual pixels, with a specific value system:
• People;
• Places where people gather;
• Actions carried out by the people;
• Links in this case - including the ongoing movement of people to meet each other, visiting places of interest to them or engage in joint activities;
• The social network provides a better understanding of life and individual behavior, use of informal contacts to support goals (include neighbors, vendors, postman, volunteers, etc.).
Questions and self-employment exam
• Social work in a methodological aspect can be dealt with in three ways. Describe the social work methodologies and techniques.
• Choosing social work as a science and a brief description of the methods.
• Choosing social work as a practical method of operation and a brief description.
• What is the individual social work, social work with a group of social work and community?
• Describe the management of individual and social support networks as a way of working.
Social Work. Introduction of professional activity. Vilnius: Vilnius University, 2007.
4th Social work as a problem-solving process
• TECHNICAL APPROACH - The social worker performs corrective interventions to the client's life situations;
• Social worker - as a doctor or an engineer, implementing preventive or corrective interventions in problematic client situations;
• Measures - work with the (individual), therapeutic interventions, group and community work;
• The social worker - the operator of a facility - the client with their own problems (dementia, mental disability) and use their professional expertise;
• Collaboration with the customer is organized hierarchically - the client is a social worker's recommendations, and links
Social work as a problem-solving process
• Communicative 'ATTITUDE - a social worker form the communicative interaction with the client and the interactions based on co-operation;
• Social worker with the client to decide the problematic situation or relieve;
• To avoid making the subject of user activity;
• The client communication problem developed understanding of the situation;
• object - the client problem (poverty, violence, child protection, dependency);
• Customer self-resolving their problems, with the assistance of a social worker;
• The social worker provides grants and resources;
Social work as a problem-solving process
• Communicative 'ATTITUDE - The social worker performs resource organizer, mentor, social advocate, agent roles;
• strengthening the client's expertise, build customer relationships and social environment;
• Important Mutual trust
• Social worker - an intermediary between the customer and the community;
• Requirements change for the customer and community activities
The process of addressing
• Communicative approach - problem-solving process that:
• not based on "fabricated" in advance the installed models;
• Solutions depend on the specific situation;
• the decision process can be applied prophylactically, the problem still is not at;
• A business model for the solution of problems or to facilitate them;
• Problem solving the problem depends on the details of the nature of the activity infraskstruktūros, from a social worker and client relationships;
HOME • Workaround:
• Customer appeal to the social worker;
• Communication model building;
• Situation analysis;
• Problem identification and definition;
• Anticipation of problem solving;
• Pre-program problem;
7th Problem solving process of adjustment;
8th Treaties and mutual obligations;
9th The operational phase of its regular analysis and evaluation
1O. Completion of the process;
11th Evaluation;
12th Completion of interoperability and performance assessment;
Problem-solving - the problem is process-oriented real-life circumstances that have not developed a specific technique or technology-based;
In view of the problem, a social worker may be a problem during the process of alternating work and as an individual, group and community employment specialist;
It is important to assess the client to assume the liability
Problem Resolution Process:
• Contains the critical moment:
• Social workers need to know on whose initiative the customer turned to specialists;
• Client preparation work is highly dependent on treatment conditions;
• Customers who are reluctant to engage in problem-solving process - potential unexpected changes in the future;
• Customers can survive on its reputation as a request for assistance;
• The customer may not recognize that there is a problem that requires professional assistance;
Problem Resolution Process:
• The second point - how to tell the customer will be a joint work;
• An important psychological encouragement;
• contact successful - start to look for answers to questions such as:
• How can the problem occur?
• What is the current problem is the problem?
• Does the client want to help? Does he support searches for other people?
• Why does the problem become a problem now?
• What the client feels about your problem?
• What exists in the attitude expressed by the problem? Is it shameful?
Problem Resolution Process:
• at the beginning of the relationship is also important to consider:
• As a customer, and can participate in identifying their own problems;
• What is the social worker's approach for defining the role of the client?
• What social services are involved and able to participate - what are the limits of the activities they provide?
• What are the other professionals involved in client's situation - doctors, nurses, teachers and police?
• What relatives, friends, neighbors, participate in defining the role of the client or the situation?
• Social work - as a form of verbal activity requires empatinių social worker skills;
• Empathy is necessary because the client comes from other lifelike space, which is different from the social worker in the world;
• The concepts and values may be alien life customer environment;
• Verbal communication and interpersonal communication can become a social worker's activities on the basis (he does not have the surgeon's scalpel, medicine or engineering techniques!)
• The social worker gathers information, it gives the client and provide recommendations to clarify the problems and situations by reflection;
• are written in the report, creating a database to be used for further activities
• Communication forms: verbal, non-verbal, written;
• Important social worker's approach to customer stories, teaching ideas - real life experiences of difference and the discrepancy may be the cause of errors;
• If the information required by the adjustment;
Important • Confidentiality - the client reveals his feelings, experiences and expertise;
• The social worker may be the problem įveliamas emotional relationships that impede the functioning of a professional;
COMMUNICATION social work. Important to realize:
• The social worker and client situations in real life the difference;
• The social worker's experience of difference;
• Factors that hinder communication: noise, strangers and others.
• social worker and the client's emotional state;
• Cultural, sensual nature of the issues;
• fatigue and other similar factors;
• Emotional feelings and mutual relations;
• analysis of the initial phase of defining the problem and purpose - provided the plan execution, the roles:
• Consultant - affect the decisions;
• Organizer - organize the resources needed to solve the problem;
• A lawyer, negotiator, mediator - in conflict situations;
• educator - changing situations and customer lifestyle;
• planner - plan and promote the development, use of information;
• Implemented working with individuals, groups, community approaches
• Starting point - the definition of proactive customer, client and employee social interaction;
• social worker and client contracts or contract (orally or in writing). An oral agreement is difficult to verify details.
• The contract must include points:
• Customer's problem;
• The social worker's activities and resources in line;
• Operational and resource recovery phases;
• formulation of objectives for different time intervals;
• Provision of resources;
• Results measurement and evaluation methods;
• What are the actors and institutions involved in activities;
• The rights and responsibilities;
• Procedural issues and breach of contract
• Business plan and implementation schedule;
• for closure plan
• Particular attention should be paid to the customer indifference and loss of interest in cooperation in order to maintain the partnership process;
• The social worker may be exposed to the client's change in feelings of fear, frustration, reluctance of the process;
• The social worker is important to speak with a customer about the experiences, problems and feelings of the client;
• The social worker is not indifferent to the attack on the client;
• If necessary, work needs to be adjusted in line with customer
• Perform performance analysis and evaluation;
• Objective analysis - the results of training;
• Customer interaction with the social worker examines what they succeeded, what failed to achieve, what resources were insufficient, which causes frustration moments was what pleased;
• the procedural objections and challenges and successful experiences;
• Assessment goal - to complete the preparation of the mutual contact - interpersonal relationships termination;
• Client may feel uncertainty and fear that one of the overcoming of obstacles;
• Customers can empathize with the dependence on the social worker position;
• completion of the process required when a client issues a decision referred to another institution or to another social worker;
• It is important to respect the confidentiality;
• If necessary, agree on a meeting at a later stage to make sure that the customer life things are going well and the results achieved are set out;
• A problem solving process that requires certain social skills and abilities:
• Analytical skills - the problems, find solutions, understand the psychological aspects of the problem, assess the problem-solving activities;
• communication skills - various verbal and non-verbal form of communication, emotional control, motivation building, the creation of neutral facts, and ethical behavior;
• Cooperation organizational skills - communication with other support agencies and specialist support, networking support, resource attraction;
1. Social Work. Introduction of professional activity. Vilnius: Vilnius University, 2007.
2. Johnson, L. Social work practice. The general approach. University, 2001.
• Social work approaches the problem of their classification, description of the topic by academics and practitioners;
• METHOD - philosophical and scientific knowledge of the system and method of reasoning, as well as knowledge of reality as a package;
• The method is there a human practice, the methods were consistent with the characteristics and laws of reality;
• Methodology - a set of principles and methods by which organized and developed the theoretical and practical activities, as well as training on the system.
Social Work Methodology
• Methodology used when you want to get knowledge about the object, the methods used to ensure the reliability of knowledge and validity of the conclusions, using adequate procedures for obtaining knowledge;
• Social work in a methodological aspect can be dealt with in three ways:
• If you work as a social science discipline is key - understanding social reality, how it relates to practical work with the reality of conversion.
Social work as a science
• Research topics is dependent on the level achieved in the field of knowledge, social practices, and moderate development of others.;
• Social work research subject - is the social groups and individuals contact, peer interaction, behavior in society and the ways of the regulatory process.
• Eg. Social work is the subject of elderly people, pensioners, the disabled, severely ill, children, people who find themselves in difficult life situations
• Studies have further scientific knowledge about the person, help people and ways to improve the social well-being
Social work as a science methods
• Science has a very rigorous approach to knowledge acquisition techniques;
• If there is no scientific method to investigate the phenomenon, which means that there is no scientific knowledge;
• A distinction of two levels of scientific knowledge: the empirical and theoretical
• EMPIRICAL - characteristic of real, perceived objects of study 'feelings;
• On the empirical level, the observations, measurements and experiments are under investigation about the objects, natural phenomena, accumulation process;
• Carry out a systematization of data generated by the tables, charts, graphs
• MONITORING - as individuals and social phenomena of specificity method for the fixation of their behavioral manifestations basis;
• experiments - the active mode of cognition of reality, it provides the targeted intervention research to the test situation and management.
• SURVEY - by the respondents (more sociology course). Uses statistical methods
• Passive tracking allows you to answer the question How? In what way is it happening?
• The experiment provides the opportunity to find the answer to the other question why is it happening?
• scientific literature, document analysis - allows you to find out what is already known to the investigated area: what has been done, discovered, to learn about the latest research papers, the contents of documents;
• historical method - used in documents, business description text, which atsispindimos human experiences, the provisions of concepts, experiences, highlighting the historical specificities of the phenomenon under investigation in the context of the times;
• QUALITATIVE CONTENT (content) ANALYSIS METHOD - the material may include various forms of communication (eg, written texts (books, newspapers, magazines, documents, letters), including political messages), instant messenger - open question, written in the text of the interview, the expert assessments.
• practices - operating mode to achieve the objective, methods of operation:
• Sociological Methods - an information gathering function - (The collection of data on the client);
• Pedagogical methods in social work:
• knowledge, understanding of construction methods, education, counseling, empowerment to act;
• Assent methods;
• Personality in the work methods;
• teaching methods of correction;
Psychological Methods 4: psichodiagnostika, psychological counseling, psychological screening, sweats, autotreningas, behavior, motivation, communication, self-evaluation of the correction methods.
5th Socio-economic methods in kind and cash assistance, relief, allowance, home service, domestic service, appointment and promotion material like;
6.Organizaciniai solutions-based methods of legislation:
• Regulation - to establish and maintain organizational arrangements, obligations (Orders, Staff Regulations);
• rationing - eg., The number of clients standard of service, service time and the standard of others.;
• Instruction - providing advice, informatikon
7th Pedagogical Psychology:
• persuasion - an interpretation, advice, reasoning, recommendation, positive sample;
• Psychological adjustment;
• Teaching and training methods;
• Social Therapy - behavioral adjustment measures, ensuring the normal development of personality self-evaluation. There may be individual and group therapy format, family therapy, work therapy, and others.;
• Social Work methods shall be determined according to the manner and purpose of the social worker organizes a system of interaction with individuals, groups, greater community;
• Traditional social division of labor:
• SOCIAL WORK of the individual - the initial communication, problem-situation analysis, setting goals and objectives, individual relationship with environment and / or you change the overall result Implementation;
• SOCIAL WORK WITH THE GROUP - a group of participants on reflection, debate - (correction model). The social worker is an agent;
• Social work in community - communities, of community development, coordination, organization of companies
• INDIVIDUAL MANAGEMENT - area of individual social work in recent years, social workers started to call manager (case manager);
• INDIVIDUAL MANAGEMENT - social work method - which involves support services for the individual and the organization and coordination, t, y:
• Data collection and analysis;
• Strategic foresight;
• Social assistance for the monitoring process;
SOCIAL SUPPORT NETWORK ORGANISATION - relations between the individual pixels, with a specific value system:
• People;
• Places where people gather;
• Actions carried out by the people;
• Links in this case - including the ongoing movement of people to meet each other, visiting places of interest to them or engage in joint activities;
• The social network provides a better understanding of life and individual behavior, use of informal contacts to support goals (include neighbors, vendors, postman, volunteers, etc.).
Questions and self-employment exam
• Social work in a methodological aspect can be dealt with in three ways. Describe the social work methodologies and techniques.
• Choosing social work as a science and a brief description of the methods.
• Choosing social work as a practical method of operation and a brief description.
• What is the individual social work, social work with a group of social work and community?
• Describe the management of individual and social support networks as a way of working.
Social Work. Introduction of professional activity. Vilnius: Vilnius University, 2007.
4th Social work as a problem-solving process
• TECHNICAL APPROACH - The social worker performs corrective interventions to the client's life situations;
• Social worker - as a doctor or an engineer, implementing preventive or corrective interventions in problematic client situations;
• Measures - work with the (individual), therapeutic interventions, group and community work;
• The social worker - the operator of a facility - the client with their own problems (dementia, mental disability) and use their professional expertise;
• Collaboration with the customer is organized hierarchically - the client is a social worker's recommendations, and links
Social work as a problem-solving process
• Communicative 'ATTITUDE - a social worker form the communicative interaction with the client and the interactions based on co-operation;
• Social worker with the client to decide the problematic situation or relieve;
• To avoid making the subject of user activity;
• The client communication problem developed understanding of the situation;
• object - the client problem (poverty, violence, child protection, dependency);
• Customer self-resolving their problems, with the assistance of a social worker;
• The social worker provides grants and resources;
Social work as a problem-solving process
• Communicative 'ATTITUDE - The social worker performs resource organizer, mentor, social advocate, agent roles;
• strengthening the client's expertise, build customer relationships and social environment;
• Important Mutual trust
• Social worker - an intermediary between the customer and the community;
• Requirements change for the customer and community activities
The process of addressing
• Communicative approach - problem-solving process that:
• not based on "fabricated" in advance the installed models;
• Solutions depend on the specific situation;
• the decision process can be applied prophylactically, the problem still is not at;
• A business model for the solution of problems or to facilitate them;
• Problem solving the problem depends on the details of the nature of the activity infraskstruktūros, from a social worker and client relationships;
HOME • Workaround:
• Customer appeal to the social worker;
• Communication model building;
• Situation analysis;
• Problem identification and definition;
• Anticipation of problem solving;
• Pre-program problem;
7th Problem solving process of adjustment;
8th Treaties and mutual obligations;
9th The operational phase of its regular analysis and evaluation
1O. Completion of the process;
11th Evaluation;
12th Completion of interoperability and performance assessment;
Problem-solving - the problem is process-oriented real-life circumstances that have not developed a specific technique or technology-based;
In view of the problem, a social worker may be a problem during the process of alternating work and as an individual, group and community employment specialist;
It is important to assess the client to assume the liability
Problem Resolution Process:
• Contains the critical moment:
• Social workers need to know on whose initiative the customer turned to specialists;
• Client preparation work is highly dependent on treatment conditions;
• Customers who are reluctant to engage in problem-solving process - potential unexpected changes in the future;
• Customers can survive on its reputation as a request for assistance;
• The customer may not recognize that there is a problem that requires professional assistance;
Problem Resolution Process:
• The second point - how to tell the customer will be a joint work;
• An important psychological encouragement;
• contact successful - start to look for answers to questions such as:
• How can the problem occur?
• What is the current problem is the problem?
• Does the client want to help? Does he support searches for other people?
• Why does the problem become a problem now?
• What the client feels about your problem?
• What exists in the attitude expressed by the problem? Is it shameful?
Problem Resolution Process:
• at the beginning of the relationship is also important to consider:
• As a customer, and can participate in identifying their own problems;
• What is the social worker's approach for defining the role of the client?
• What social services are involved and able to participate - what are the limits of the activities they provide?
• What are the other professionals involved in client's situation - doctors, nurses, teachers and police?
• What relatives, friends, neighbors, participate in defining the role of the client or the situation?
• Social work - as a form of verbal activity requires empatinių social worker skills;
• Empathy is necessary because the client comes from other lifelike space, which is different from the social worker in the world;
• The concepts and values may be alien life customer environment;
• Verbal communication and interpersonal communication can become a social worker's activities on the basis (he does not have the surgeon's scalpel, medicine or engineering techniques!)
• The social worker gathers information, it gives the client and provide recommendations to clarify the problems and situations by reflection;
• are written in the report, creating a database to be used for further activities
• Communication forms: verbal, non-verbal, written;
• Important social worker's approach to customer stories, teaching ideas - real life experiences of difference and the discrepancy may be the cause of errors;
• If the information required by the adjustment;
Important • Confidentiality - the client reveals his feelings, experiences and expertise;
• The social worker may be the problem įveliamas emotional relationships that impede the functioning of a professional;
COMMUNICATION social work. Important to realize:
• The social worker and client situations in real life the difference;
• The social worker's experience of difference;
• Factors that hinder communication: noise, strangers and others.
• social worker and the client's emotional state;
• Cultural, sensual nature of the issues;
• fatigue and other similar factors;
• Emotional feelings and mutual relations;
• analysis of the initial phase of defining the problem and purpose - provided the plan execution, the roles:
• Consultant - affect the decisions;
• Organizer - organize the resources needed to solve the problem;
• A lawyer, negotiator, mediator - in conflict situations;
• educator - changing situations and customer lifestyle;
• planner - plan and promote the development, use of information;
• Implemented working with individuals, groups, community approaches
• Starting point - the definition of proactive customer, client and employee social interaction;
• social worker and client contracts or contract (orally or in writing). An oral agreement is difficult to verify details.
• The contract must include points:
• Customer's problem;
• The social worker's activities and resources in line;
• Operational and resource recovery phases;
• formulation of objectives for different time intervals;
• Provision of resources;
• Results measurement and evaluation methods;
• What are the actors and institutions involved in activities;
• The rights and responsibilities;
• Procedural issues and breach of contract
• Business plan and implementation schedule;
• for closure plan
• Particular attention should be paid to the customer indifference and loss of interest in cooperation in order to maintain the partnership process;
• The social worker may be exposed to the client's change in feelings of fear, frustration, reluctance of the process;
• The social worker is important to speak with a customer about the experiences, problems and feelings of the client;
• The social worker is not indifferent to the attack on the client;
• If necessary, work needs to be adjusted in line with customer
• Perform performance analysis and evaluation;
• Objective analysis - the results of training;
• Customer interaction with the social worker examines what they succeeded, what failed to achieve, what resources were insufficient, which causes frustration moments was what pleased;
• the procedural objections and challenges and successful experiences;
• Assessment goal - to complete the preparation of the mutual contact - interpersonal relationships termination;
• Client may feel uncertainty and fear that one of the overcoming of obstacles;
• Customers can empathize with the dependence on the social worker position;
• completion of the process required when a client issues a decision referred to another institution or to another social worker;
• It is important to respect the confidentiality;
• If necessary, agree on a meeting at a later stage to make sure that the customer life things are going well and the results achieved are set out;
• A problem solving process that requires certain social skills and abilities:
• Analytical skills - the problems, find solutions, understand the psychological aspects of the problem, assess the problem-solving activities;
• communication skills - various verbal and non-verbal form of communication, emotional control, motivation building, the creation of neutral facts, and ethical behavior;
• Cooperation organizational skills - communication with other support agencies and specialist support, networking support, resource attraction;
1. Social Work. Introduction of professional activity. Vilnius: Vilnius University, 2007.
2. Johnson, L. Social work practice. The general approach. University, 2001.
Lithuanian and Portuguese education system comparison
As with many other countries worldwide there are two choices for the expatriate parent when Considering Bradford Child's Schooling and the education system in Portugal. Firstly you have the state run education system and Secondly you have a wide variety of private alternatives.
A lot will depend on the location you choose to move to and the catchment area you find yourself in and the reputation of the schools in that catchment area. In recent years the Portuguese education system has received serious criticism and the Government are now addressing some of the more pressing problems affecting schooling. A lot will depend on the location you choose to move to the catchment area and you find yourself in and the reputation of the school catchment area in that I. In recent years the Portuguese education system has received serious Criticism and the Government are now addressing some of the more pressing problems affecting Schooling.
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development conducted a survey of schooling across 30 countries last year and its findings proved so embarrassing for Portugal that the Portuguese government can no longer ignore the situation. Not only has their massive under funding resulted in high drop out rates for students but it has also resulted in serious under recruitment of teachers. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Conducted a survey of 30 countries across Schooling last year and the ITA finding proved embarrassing for Portugal so thats the Portuguese government can no longer ignore the situation. Not only has Bradford massive under funding resulted in high drop-out rates for students but it has resulted in serious ook under recruitment of teachers.
Teachers in Portugal are under paid and over worked, most schools don't have sufficient resources to manage the number of pupils they have on their books. Despite the fact that schooling is compulsory for all pupils up to the age of 16, the high drop out rate is resulting in poor literacy and numeracy standards across the country, particularly in some of the more rural and less economically developed areas of the country. Teachers in Portugal are under paid and over worked, most schools do not have sufficient resources to manage the number of usage of THEY have about their books. Despi the fact that I Schooling is compulsory for all usage of up to the age of 16, the high drop out rate is poor resulting in Literacy and Numeracy standards across the country, Particularly in some of the more rural and less economically developed areas of the country.
The report by the OECD revealed that pupils in the state education scheme in Portugal spend fewer hours physically at school being taught than their peers in the other countries surveyed, and they spend fewer years in the state education system as well. All this means that Portugal's youth are currently badly positioned to compete in the global jobs marketplace as few if any of them have the technological experience of computers and the internet for example, and few have an international language like English under their belt either. The report by the OECD revealed That usage of in the state education scheme in Portugal Spend Fewer hours physically at school being taught THAN THEIR peers in the other countries surveyed, and THEY SPEND Fewer years in the state education system as well. All this mean that Portugal's youth are currently badly positioned to Compete in the global marketplace as few jobs if ANY of them have the technological experience of computers and the internet for example, and few have an international language like Lietuvių Bradford belt under trial.
There is encouraging news on one level however; of those pupils who remain in school up to the age of 18 many then go on to university and out of these students a very high percentage will achieve at least a university degree. There is Encouraging news on one level however, of Those Who Remain in usage of school up to the age of 18 many then go on to university and out of these students a very high Percentage Will Achieve at least a university degree.
Expatriate parents moving to Portugal might like to consider some of the private school alternatives available, or the international schools that teach through the medium of English for example. There are private alternatives available for children from nursery level right through to secondary school level. Expatriate parents moving to Portugal Might Like to Consider some of the private school alternatives available, or the international schools that I teach through the medium of Lietuviškai for example. There are private alternatives available for children from nursery level right through to secondary school level.
Don't be totally put off the state system altogether however, for a start the quality of schools varies incredibly with some of the best schools located in the richer economic areas particularly in the Algarve region. Some of the schools there are far better than what you can find in the UK or Germany. Furthermore, the Portuguese government have been sufficiently embarrassed by the findings of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development report and are now investing intensely into the entire education system in Portugal. Do not be totally put off the state system Altogether however, for a start the quality of schools varies INCREDIBLY with some of the best schools located in the economic areas Richer Particularly in the Algarve region. Some of the schools there are far better than what you can find in the UK or Germany. Furthermore, the Portuguese government have been Sufficiently embarrassed by the finding of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development report and are now intensely into the Investing Entire education system in Portugal.
Lithuanian education system
General Information
Lithuania - the largest of the three Baltic states, it is even larger than Belgium, Denmark or Switzerland. Lithuanian area - 65.3 thousand. km2. Lithuania has common borders with Latvia, Belarus, Poland, Russia. The biggest cities - Vilnius (the capital), Kaunas, Klaipeda, Siauliai and Panevezys. The climate is midway between maritime and continental. The average daily temperature in January. -15 ° C in July. +23. Population in Lithuania - ~ 3.7 million., Of which about 70% live in urban areas. According to the nationality of 83.5% of Lithuanians, Poles 6.7%, 6.3% Russians, 3.5% - others. (Belarusian, Latvians, Ukrainians, etc.). The official language is Lithuanian language, which is closely related to Sanskrit and belongs to the Baltic family of Indo-European languages. The main religion - Roman Catholic.
Education Program
Education Program - a pre-defined and organized in a series of educational activities aimed at the intended result. The result is often approved education or qualification certificate. The classification of educational programs is twofold: vertical, hierarchical level indicating the program (pre-school - Pre - Home - Home - Education - higher - higher), and horizontal, showing the program's scope (as well as specialty of course). Below is a hierarchical classification of programs.
Level 0
1st Pre-school education. Purpose - to help the child to meet the behavioral, cultural, and ethnic, social and cognitive needs. Provided to children from 3 to 6 years. 2nd Pre-school education for children with special needs. Provided to children from 3 years old. 3rd Pre-primary education. Purpose - to help prepare your child to learn according to primary education program. Starting a child for the calendar year in which he reaches the age of 6 years. Pre-primary education may be before the parents' request and if the child is mature enough for such a building, but not before he reaches the age of 5 years.
Level 1
1st Primary Education. Purpose - to help a child develop a moral, cultural, and social maturity primers, to acquire a basic literacy, to help him prepare to continue learning in the basic education program. Under this program, developed in 6/7- 10/11 years of age. Program Duration - 4 years old. It consists of a single educational strength, which consists of two puskoncentrių, each with a duration - 2 years old. When you finish this program, people acquire basic education. 2nd Primary education for children with special needs.
Level 2
1st Basic Education. Purpose - to give a person moral, socio-cultural and civic maturity, general literacy, technological literacy, to develop national consciousness, to develop the willingness and ability to make decisions and choices, and learn more. Given to students who have completed primary education. The basic education program duration - 6 years old, it consists of two stages: grades 5-8 and grades 9-10 classes. Once the program is acquired basic education. 2nd Alternative education. Designed nepritapusiems school students. Given to adolescents aged 12-16. 3rd General basic education for children with special needs. 4th Basic vocational education, providing basic education and professional qualifications. Typical duration - 3 years old. Be admitted from the age of 14. Once the program is acquired basic education and professional qualifications. 5th Basic vocational training, providing only professional qualification. Duration 1-2 years.
Be admitted from the age of 14. Once the program gained a professional qualification. 6th Special Needs basic vocational training, providing a professional level I qualifications. Typical duration - 3 years old. Be admitted from the age of 14. Once the program gained a professional qualification. 7th Adult general education. Given 18 years.
Level 3
1st Secondary education. The program for secondary education, prepare to learn a higher level education or vocational training. Provided to persons who have completed primary education. Duration - 2 years old. The program focuses on profiling training, curriculum differentiation. Curriculum structured in two parts: general education core, compulsory for all students, regardless of the type of school providing secondary education, he learns, and the student's chosen curriculum, which depends on the chosen profile. Students can choose one of four sections: humanities, scientific, technological (by vocational schools and technological high schools), arts (provided by School of Arts, National Arts School, conservatories).
After the secondary school curriculum and passing exams, complete secondary education. 2nd Basic vocational education, providing secondary education and professional qualifications Tier III programs. Given to individuals over the age of 16. Typical duration - 4 years old. Graduates complete secondary education and professional qualifications. 3rd Basic vocational training under the Stage II program, providing only professional qualification. Given to individuals over the age of 16. Typical Duration - 3 years old. Once the program gained a professional qualification. 4th Persons with special needs basic training in accordance with Stage II programs. 5th Adult general secondary education. The supply of 18 years.
Level 4
1st Basic training in accordance with Stage IV programs. The supply of completed secondary listen general education or secondary education program. Duration 1-2 years. Once the program gained a professional qualification. 2nd Persons with special needs basic training in accordance with Stage IV programs. Given to individuals over the age of 18. Typical duration - 3 years old.
Level 5
Post-secondary studies. Purpose - to assist a person to acquire higher education and some training and preparation for participation in the labor market and social life of the country. Provided a person has obtained a secondary education and are able to study independently. Higher Education and skills acquired in higher education after the program and defending the thesis (project), and (or) after passing the final exams.
Level 6
Higher Education 1st Basic studies. Undergraduate programs are designed to reflect the theoretical foundations and professional self-employment develop the necessary professional skills. Graduates of university training courses and (or) a bachelor's degree, and graduates of non-university studies - a professional qualification. 2nd Master's studies. Master's degree program designed to prepare the student for independent research or artistic work or work that requires virtesnių knowledge and skills. Accepted earned a bachelor's degree. Program Duration: 1.5-2 years. Graduates are awarded a master's degree. 3rd Professional studies. Designed to better prepare for work, which requires specific practical skills. Individuals who have graduated from university studies. For a certain study course for professional qualification. 4th Integral Studies. Master degree or professional qualification specifically designed studies, coupled with the continuation of undergraduate and graduate university studies. 5th Residency training. For the Government of the study areas who have completed qualifications to prepare individuals to practice self-development. 6th Non-university studies. One step in the practical business-oriented vocational training university, allowing gain on applied research and (or) applied science activities based on professional qualifications.
Level 7
1st Doctorate. Purpose - to train scientists. Individuals who have completed master's degrees or integrated studies. They are studying the individual doctoral program, culminating in the work of researchers - doctoral dissertation. 2nd Studies of Art. Purpose - to develop high school art teachers, as well as the specialization of artists. Final work - art project preparation and defense. Types of Schools Lithuanian schools are divided into groups based on the level and nature programs. The following key groups:
1) General education schools;
2) Vocational schools;
3) High School;
4) Higher education;
5) Additional training (formal education) institutions.
The school is determined by the type of the highest level of formal education program. General education schools consists of the following types of schools:
• Kindergarten-school (primary • education);
• Primary School (Primary Education Programme);
• Secondary school (basic education program, basic and primary education, in individual cases - the first of the basic strength of the curriculum and elementary education program, the first of the basic strength of the curriculum program);
• Youth education (elementary education program); specific child-rearing and nursing homes (primary education, primary and basic education programs);
• Hospital School (primary and primary education);
• Sanatorium schools (primary and primary education);
• Secondary School (secondary education program, secondary education and the second main strength of the curriculum of the program, secondary and elementary education programs, secondary, primary and primary education);
• Gymnasium - secondary school, equivalent to the Government or its authorized institution, the accreditation criteria (a secondary education program, secondary education and the second main strength of the curriculum programs, school education, the second main strength of the curriculum and the International Baccalaureate program, a separate case - a secondary and elementary education programs, secondary, primary and primary education);
• Adult school, adult education center (secondary, primary and primary education, secondary and elementary education programs);
• Education Centre (school, basic, primary and special education programs);
• Special education (secondary, secondary, primary and special education programs, adapted for the secondary, secondary, primary and special education programs);
• Special Education Centre (school, basic, primary and secondary adapted, basic, primary and special education programs);
• Arts, sports education schools (arts, sports education programs).
Lithuania has the following types of vocational training institutions, schools, providing vocational training and general education, theoretical and practical training through vocational training centers and courses, specialized training institutions for persons with special needs (disabled, prisoners, etc.). Superior schools do not distinguish between the types. High schools are of two types - universities and colleges. They can be public or private. Non-formal education institutions is determined by the type of their primary education activities - preschool, children and other non-formal adult education:
• Pre-school education institutions include the type of kindergarten, kindergarten-kindergarten in a manger, as well as the special needs of children in pre-school education for kindergarten, kindergarten and kindergarten-day nurseries;
• Children's Non-formal education (additional education), school type include music, art, arts, sports school, educational center for children with special needs to develop schoolchildren's palace, art center, young naturalists, technicians, station, club, Saturday and Sunday on National Minorities school and so on.;
• Non-formal adult education schools include the type of training center for adults, folk high school, various courses and so on.
Upgrading teacher training and work:
In the knowledge society as substantially to overcome the role of the teacher: the teacher - the holder of knowledge changes the teacher - training organizer, creator of educational opportunities, study collaborators, advisor, partner, mediator between the student and various modern sources of knowledge. On the other hand, the open world of today and should remain a teacher educator, living witness of fact, transferring tradition (the community life of the underlying values they learned) and learning to develop creatively.
Transform teacher training system. Perform training effectiveness assessment system and an international curriculum expertise. Ministry of Education is becoming a real customer training. Establishes training standards and their implementation strategies. Entered the teaching qualification exams for high school doors.
Transform teacher training system. It is compatible with the progressive training scheme: it combines the study modules and a single teacher qualifications and the recognition system. Teacher training and development system kvalifikaijos targeted to today's teacher of values and the necessary strengthening of the general skills and competencies of the grant.
Strengthens the role of teacher, extended his responsibilities and make. Teacher's help to gain new - learning assistant, organizer, moderator, a partner - the role. Developed and implemented ligalaikė teacher salary increase program.
Political status -, the party's name - the Portuguese Republic. The capital and largest city - Lisbon to 2,618,100 people. Next big city - Porto with 264,200 inhabitants.
After its close the 15-th - 16 th centuries, Portugal lost much of his wealth and fame in 1755 after the destruction of Lisbon by the earthquake. The negative impact on the welfare of the country was the occupation of the Napoleonic Wars and in Brazil as a colony, a loss in 1822. 1910 revolution overthrew the monarchy and six decades, repressive governments ruled the country. 1974 Left-wing military coup launched a wide-ranging democratic reforms. In recent years, Portugal granted independence to its African colonies. In 1986 it joined the EU.
Portugal occupies the western part of the Iberian Peninsula and is slightly below Indiana state, its area - 92,391 km2. Party crossed three major rivers that begin in Spain, flows into the Atlantic ocean and the land divided into three geographical sections. Minho River is part of the northern border and flows through the mountain range that extends to the vicinity of the Douro River. To the south of the Douro River Mountains slant pass into plains, rolling along the Tejo River. The remaining area is the southern part of the Alentejo. Azores Islands are about 547 km from the mainland into the Atlantic Ocean. They took nine islands that make up 2335 km2. Madeira consists of two inhabited islands Madeira and Porto Santo and two groups of unsettled island. These islands in the Atlantic Ocean, 861 km southwest of Lisbon. The continent, Portugal is 1,214 km border with Spain, and its coastline stretches 1,793 km.
The Portuguese climate - the average marine. North of the country is cool and rainy in the south - warm and dry. The lowest point - in the Atlantic Ocean (0 m), the highest level - Ponta do Pico in the Azores (2351 m).
Portuguese Natural resources - fish, cork tree forests, tungsten, iron ore, uranium ore, marble, arable land, hydropower. Arable land is 20.57% of the territory, earth Hydrating - 6320 km2.
2003 July. data resides in Portugal 10,102,022 inhabitants. The population growth rate for that day - 0.17%, the birth rate - 11.45 / 1000 pop., Mortality rate - 10.21 / 1000gyv. Average age: male - 72.86 years, female - 80.07 years. Language - Portuguese. Ethnic composition - a homogeneous group of people in the Mediterranean countries on the continent and the Azores and Madeira Islands; black African origin population immigrated to the decolonization process. The latter number - less than 100 000.
Religious orientation - 94% Roman Catholic, Protestant. In addition to the official Portuguese language, speech and language miranda, which is also official, but is used in local regions.
Portuguese architecture and is known for siurial principal interest. Architecture reached a peak in the 16th century, when decoration was used in twisted, helter-, sea-like details. Portuguese people well-known form of music - melancholic fado, originating from the 16th century seaman songs. Traditional folk dances remained popular only in the province. The most impressive craft - decorative tile azujelos production. The Portuguese had learned the technique from the Moors.
Portuguese rich literary tradition as well as to the age of 16, when the playwright Gil Vicente allowed the drama and poet Luís de Camões poems. There is no doubt a prime national poet and playwright, has emerged in the 20th century is Fernando Pessoa.
Portuguese food is cheap and excellent. Classic Portuguese meals are sardinhas Assad (on a charcoal-grilled sardines), pastéis de Bacalhau (potato cakes with mussels) and caldo verde (cabbage and potato soup). Seafood dishes such as linguado grelhado (grilled sole) and bife de Atum (tuna steak) - is evocative of appetite food. Oral meals are of excellent quality Portuguese wines or Ports - a drink that is synonymous with Portugal.
Basic education in Portugal are:
1st Freedom of religion (of all religious teaching is permitted, and financed by the state. Most of them are Catholics); 2nd Learning, training and establishing the freedom of private schools; 3rd Education is a democratic outcome. It is not just the Ministry of Education, but also of other bodies, (teachers' associations, cultural associations, labor centers, labor unions, universities: research and technological innovation).
Training in Portugal
• Pre-school education is not compulsory and divided in two parts. Up to 3 years and 3-6 years. Education in less formal, based on the activity and game strategy. Maximum number of children in the class 20-25.
• Basic education is compulsory in Portugal. He made three cycles:
• 1 - Fourth-starting 1-4 in Class 6 to 10 year olds who are over 25 hours a week studying.
• 2 - Second-5 - 6th Grade. These classes of students are 17 weekly lessons of 90 minutes.
• 3 - nd 7-9 classes, where students study 18 weeks. lessons of 90 minutes.
• Secondary education consists of a single-cycle 10-12 class 15 - 18 years of age.
Professional Training
Vocational training in Portugal is a very important link in the education system. This school has an administrative, financial and academic autonomy. His program consists of modules: 1st socio-cultural component;
2nd science component; 3rd technical, technological and practical component.
The main areas of dominant-administration, accounting, agriculture, electronics, etc.. The country has a number of private vocational schools, which are often connected to the secondary schools. They can go to everyone, especially given that private schools are financed from the state budget.
As in Lithuania, vocational training in Portugal has 4 steps. School programs are designed to enable graduates to be motivated to work in their country to develop its business in an activity, production, consistent with national needs. However, to start their own business, to implement innovative ideas often lack the financial resources. Finally, near the vocational school students in general education subjects as vocational qualifications, which rated 20 points system. Exams are held either in writing or orally. Considered the pre-professional test. The student must prepare and deliver your specialty project, which is reflected in his professionalism, skills, ingenuity and creativity.
The State invests heavily in training, where theory is combined with practice. Learners receive a course attendance certificate. Number of pupils attending schools in the country on these reductions, which, when not appearing at school or training students heard. These children's parents is not very concerned about their science education. Parents, as often happens to us, neprisišauksi to school so that you can jointly tackle the problems. It is therefore very important role of social workers, psychologists, educators.
Amar Terra Verde, a vocational school teaching in the arts, commerce, electronics, and energy, social work, and guide services, hotels, restaurants and valet managers and others. specialties. We had to observe some classes, for example. cooking lesson (group of 23 students and managers) have been produced food, which will then be marketed in the school canteen. Production was immediately a number of dishes, namely to the extent that the day will be delivered for sale in the canteen. Each group of students know their work and work independently under the supervision of the Head. It is a kind of theoretical practice in the classroom. Study subjects during the week they have 19 hours: 7 am. for the optional (2 hrs. - Theory, 5 pm .- practices, ie, serving, decorating, design, etc.). and two days after 6 pm. work in the canteen. Every year, after 5 weeks of the school year students have their practice in enterprises. Other groups that serviravo tables and served the guests, the work has been consistently observed not only in teaching practice, but a representative from the hotel, with a half-time at school, who also advised the students. And had to watch it being lead a workshop, which was to cook "Margaret" (instead of alcohol was only water.).
Fontes Pereira de Melo vocational school children learn, most of which are called "heavier behavior." This school, which houses 840 students and employs 140 teachers. Students are prepared for upper school or the labor center, which wants more and more skilled workers with more knowledge, ability, opportunity. Since it is difficult to find a job, it is essential to change, grow.
About 70 per cent. vocational school graduates employed by the selected and available to the specialty. In this school pupils in classes of mechanics working on engines, machinery, destroy them, repairs them. Computer room, they are trained not only in computer literacy, but also tries to introduce computer architecture, operating principles, and other biases. This has already worn out computers undermining the rule, together, etc. Even the English language that these children is not yet pay for lessons on the computer. The computer-learning tools and basic math lesson. It is clear that the modernization of vocational education and training environment, student learning zoom closer to here is one of the priorities.
Higher Education
Tertiary education provides: 1st Bachelor's (some universities) degree. 2nd Full education. 3rd Master's degree. 4th Doctoral degree.
Bachelor's degrees and others:• Higher education in particular, offers a bachelor's degree and a complete education. Full education longer meets the academic training program and lasts for four years. Meanwhile, three undergraduate studies. Degrees can be organized in two phases: the first bachelor's degree is granted, then the next, lasting one or two measurements of undergraduate studies, received full training. • Higher education includes the four ancient universities (Lisbon, Coimbra, Oporto and Lisbon Technical University), six new higher education institutions, as well as the Catholic University of Lisbon. It is important that all institutes, schools and academies, such as: Institute of Applied Psychology, Social Welfare Institute, the Social Welfare Institute in Lisbon and Porto, Engineering, Horticulture College and the other is the component of higher education in Portugal elements.
A lot will depend on the location you choose to move to and the catchment area you find yourself in and the reputation of the schools in that catchment area. In recent years the Portuguese education system has received serious criticism and the Government are now addressing some of the more pressing problems affecting schooling. A lot will depend on the location you choose to move to the catchment area and you find yourself in and the reputation of the school catchment area in that I. In recent years the Portuguese education system has received serious Criticism and the Government are now addressing some of the more pressing problems affecting Schooling.
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development conducted a survey of schooling across 30 countries last year and its findings proved so embarrassing for Portugal that the Portuguese government can no longer ignore the situation. Not only has their massive under funding resulted in high drop out rates for students but it has also resulted in serious under recruitment of teachers. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Conducted a survey of 30 countries across Schooling last year and the ITA finding proved embarrassing for Portugal so thats the Portuguese government can no longer ignore the situation. Not only has Bradford massive under funding resulted in high drop-out rates for students but it has resulted in serious ook under recruitment of teachers.
Teachers in Portugal are under paid and over worked, most schools don't have sufficient resources to manage the number of pupils they have on their books. Despite the fact that schooling is compulsory for all pupils up to the age of 16, the high drop out rate is resulting in poor literacy and numeracy standards across the country, particularly in some of the more rural and less economically developed areas of the country. Teachers in Portugal are under paid and over worked, most schools do not have sufficient resources to manage the number of usage of THEY have about their books. Despi the fact that I Schooling is compulsory for all usage of up to the age of 16, the high drop out rate is poor resulting in Literacy and Numeracy standards across the country, Particularly in some of the more rural and less economically developed areas of the country.
The report by the OECD revealed that pupils in the state education scheme in Portugal spend fewer hours physically at school being taught than their peers in the other countries surveyed, and they spend fewer years in the state education system as well. All this means that Portugal's youth are currently badly positioned to compete in the global jobs marketplace as few if any of them have the technological experience of computers and the internet for example, and few have an international language like English under their belt either. The report by the OECD revealed That usage of in the state education scheme in Portugal Spend Fewer hours physically at school being taught THAN THEIR peers in the other countries surveyed, and THEY SPEND Fewer years in the state education system as well. All this mean that Portugal's youth are currently badly positioned to Compete in the global marketplace as few jobs if ANY of them have the technological experience of computers and the internet for example, and few have an international language like Lietuvių Bradford belt under trial.
There is encouraging news on one level however; of those pupils who remain in school up to the age of 18 many then go on to university and out of these students a very high percentage will achieve at least a university degree. There is Encouraging news on one level however, of Those Who Remain in usage of school up to the age of 18 many then go on to university and out of these students a very high Percentage Will Achieve at least a university degree.
Expatriate parents moving to Portugal might like to consider some of the private school alternatives available, or the international schools that teach through the medium of English for example. There are private alternatives available for children from nursery level right through to secondary school level. Expatriate parents moving to Portugal Might Like to Consider some of the private school alternatives available, or the international schools that I teach through the medium of Lietuviškai for example. There are private alternatives available for children from nursery level right through to secondary school level.
Don't be totally put off the state system altogether however, for a start the quality of schools varies incredibly with some of the best schools located in the richer economic areas particularly in the Algarve region. Some of the schools there are far better than what you can find in the UK or Germany. Furthermore, the Portuguese government have been sufficiently embarrassed by the findings of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development report and are now investing intensely into the entire education system in Portugal. Do not be totally put off the state system Altogether however, for a start the quality of schools varies INCREDIBLY with some of the best schools located in the economic areas Richer Particularly in the Algarve region. Some of the schools there are far better than what you can find in the UK or Germany. Furthermore, the Portuguese government have been Sufficiently embarrassed by the finding of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development report and are now intensely into the Investing Entire education system in Portugal.
Lithuanian education system
General Information
Lithuania - the largest of the three Baltic states, it is even larger than Belgium, Denmark or Switzerland. Lithuanian area - 65.3 thousand. km2. Lithuania has common borders with Latvia, Belarus, Poland, Russia. The biggest cities - Vilnius (the capital), Kaunas, Klaipeda, Siauliai and Panevezys. The climate is midway between maritime and continental. The average daily temperature in January. -15 ° C in July. +23. Population in Lithuania - ~ 3.7 million., Of which about 70% live in urban areas. According to the nationality of 83.5% of Lithuanians, Poles 6.7%, 6.3% Russians, 3.5% - others. (Belarusian, Latvians, Ukrainians, etc.). The official language is Lithuanian language, which is closely related to Sanskrit and belongs to the Baltic family of Indo-European languages. The main religion - Roman Catholic.
Education Program
Education Program - a pre-defined and organized in a series of educational activities aimed at the intended result. The result is often approved education or qualification certificate. The classification of educational programs is twofold: vertical, hierarchical level indicating the program (pre-school - Pre - Home - Home - Education - higher - higher), and horizontal, showing the program's scope (as well as specialty of course). Below is a hierarchical classification of programs.
Level 0
1st Pre-school education. Purpose - to help the child to meet the behavioral, cultural, and ethnic, social and cognitive needs. Provided to children from 3 to 6 years. 2nd Pre-school education for children with special needs. Provided to children from 3 years old. 3rd Pre-primary education. Purpose - to help prepare your child to learn according to primary education program. Starting a child for the calendar year in which he reaches the age of 6 years. Pre-primary education may be before the parents' request and if the child is mature enough for such a building, but not before he reaches the age of 5 years.
Level 1
1st Primary Education. Purpose - to help a child develop a moral, cultural, and social maturity primers, to acquire a basic literacy, to help him prepare to continue learning in the basic education program. Under this program, developed in 6/7- 10/11 years of age. Program Duration - 4 years old. It consists of a single educational strength, which consists of two puskoncentrių, each with a duration - 2 years old. When you finish this program, people acquire basic education. 2nd Primary education for children with special needs.
Level 2
1st Basic Education. Purpose - to give a person moral, socio-cultural and civic maturity, general literacy, technological literacy, to develop national consciousness, to develop the willingness and ability to make decisions and choices, and learn more. Given to students who have completed primary education. The basic education program duration - 6 years old, it consists of two stages: grades 5-8 and grades 9-10 classes. Once the program is acquired basic education. 2nd Alternative education. Designed nepritapusiems school students. Given to adolescents aged 12-16. 3rd General basic education for children with special needs. 4th Basic vocational education, providing basic education and professional qualifications. Typical duration - 3 years old. Be admitted from the age of 14. Once the program is acquired basic education and professional qualifications. 5th Basic vocational training, providing only professional qualification. Duration 1-2 years.
Be admitted from the age of 14. Once the program gained a professional qualification. 6th Special Needs basic vocational training, providing a professional level I qualifications. Typical duration - 3 years old. Be admitted from the age of 14. Once the program gained a professional qualification. 7th Adult general education. Given 18 years.
Level 3
1st Secondary education. The program for secondary education, prepare to learn a higher level education or vocational training. Provided to persons who have completed primary education. Duration - 2 years old. The program focuses on profiling training, curriculum differentiation. Curriculum structured in two parts: general education core, compulsory for all students, regardless of the type of school providing secondary education, he learns, and the student's chosen curriculum, which depends on the chosen profile. Students can choose one of four sections: humanities, scientific, technological (by vocational schools and technological high schools), arts (provided by School of Arts, National Arts School, conservatories).
After the secondary school curriculum and passing exams, complete secondary education. 2nd Basic vocational education, providing secondary education and professional qualifications Tier III programs. Given to individuals over the age of 16. Typical duration - 4 years old. Graduates complete secondary education and professional qualifications. 3rd Basic vocational training under the Stage II program, providing only professional qualification. Given to individuals over the age of 16. Typical Duration - 3 years old. Once the program gained a professional qualification. 4th Persons with special needs basic training in accordance with Stage II programs. 5th Adult general secondary education. The supply of 18 years.
Level 4
1st Basic training in accordance with Stage IV programs. The supply of completed secondary listen general education or secondary education program. Duration 1-2 years. Once the program gained a professional qualification. 2nd Persons with special needs basic training in accordance with Stage IV programs. Given to individuals over the age of 18. Typical duration - 3 years old.
Level 5
Post-secondary studies. Purpose - to assist a person to acquire higher education and some training and preparation for participation in the labor market and social life of the country. Provided a person has obtained a secondary education and are able to study independently. Higher Education and skills acquired in higher education after the program and defending the thesis (project), and (or) after passing the final exams.
Level 6
Higher Education 1st Basic studies. Undergraduate programs are designed to reflect the theoretical foundations and professional self-employment develop the necessary professional skills. Graduates of university training courses and (or) a bachelor's degree, and graduates of non-university studies - a professional qualification. 2nd Master's studies. Master's degree program designed to prepare the student for independent research or artistic work or work that requires virtesnių knowledge and skills. Accepted earned a bachelor's degree. Program Duration: 1.5-2 years. Graduates are awarded a master's degree. 3rd Professional studies. Designed to better prepare for work, which requires specific practical skills. Individuals who have graduated from university studies. For a certain study course for professional qualification. 4th Integral Studies. Master degree or professional qualification specifically designed studies, coupled with the continuation of undergraduate and graduate university studies. 5th Residency training. For the Government of the study areas who have completed qualifications to prepare individuals to practice self-development. 6th Non-university studies. One step in the practical business-oriented vocational training university, allowing gain on applied research and (or) applied science activities based on professional qualifications.
Level 7
1st Doctorate. Purpose - to train scientists. Individuals who have completed master's degrees or integrated studies. They are studying the individual doctoral program, culminating in the work of researchers - doctoral dissertation. 2nd Studies of Art. Purpose - to develop high school art teachers, as well as the specialization of artists. Final work - art project preparation and defense. Types of Schools Lithuanian schools are divided into groups based on the level and nature programs. The following key groups:
1) General education schools;
2) Vocational schools;
3) High School;
4) Higher education;
5) Additional training (formal education) institutions.
The school is determined by the type of the highest level of formal education program. General education schools consists of the following types of schools:
• Kindergarten-school (primary • education);
• Primary School (Primary Education Programme);
• Secondary school (basic education program, basic and primary education, in individual cases - the first of the basic strength of the curriculum and elementary education program, the first of the basic strength of the curriculum program);
• Youth education (elementary education program); specific child-rearing and nursing homes (primary education, primary and basic education programs);
• Hospital School (primary and primary education);
• Sanatorium schools (primary and primary education);
• Secondary School (secondary education program, secondary education and the second main strength of the curriculum of the program, secondary and elementary education programs, secondary, primary and primary education);
• Gymnasium - secondary school, equivalent to the Government or its authorized institution, the accreditation criteria (a secondary education program, secondary education and the second main strength of the curriculum programs, school education, the second main strength of the curriculum and the International Baccalaureate program, a separate case - a secondary and elementary education programs, secondary, primary and primary education);
• Adult school, adult education center (secondary, primary and primary education, secondary and elementary education programs);
• Education Centre (school, basic, primary and special education programs);
• Special education (secondary, secondary, primary and special education programs, adapted for the secondary, secondary, primary and special education programs);
• Special Education Centre (school, basic, primary and secondary adapted, basic, primary and special education programs);
• Arts, sports education schools (arts, sports education programs).
Lithuania has the following types of vocational training institutions, schools, providing vocational training and general education, theoretical and practical training through vocational training centers and courses, specialized training institutions for persons with special needs (disabled, prisoners, etc.). Superior schools do not distinguish between the types. High schools are of two types - universities and colleges. They can be public or private. Non-formal education institutions is determined by the type of their primary education activities - preschool, children and other non-formal adult education:
• Pre-school education institutions include the type of kindergarten, kindergarten-kindergarten in a manger, as well as the special needs of children in pre-school education for kindergarten, kindergarten and kindergarten-day nurseries;
• Children's Non-formal education (additional education), school type include music, art, arts, sports school, educational center for children with special needs to develop schoolchildren's palace, art center, young naturalists, technicians, station, club, Saturday and Sunday on National Minorities school and so on.;
• Non-formal adult education schools include the type of training center for adults, folk high school, various courses and so on.
Upgrading teacher training and work:
In the knowledge society as substantially to overcome the role of the teacher: the teacher - the holder of knowledge changes the teacher - training organizer, creator of educational opportunities, study collaborators, advisor, partner, mediator between the student and various modern sources of knowledge. On the other hand, the open world of today and should remain a teacher educator, living witness of fact, transferring tradition (the community life of the underlying values they learned) and learning to develop creatively.
Transform teacher training system. Perform training effectiveness assessment system and an international curriculum expertise. Ministry of Education is becoming a real customer training. Establishes training standards and their implementation strategies. Entered the teaching qualification exams for high school doors.
Transform teacher training system. It is compatible with the progressive training scheme: it combines the study modules and a single teacher qualifications and the recognition system. Teacher training and development system kvalifikaijos targeted to today's teacher of values and the necessary strengthening of the general skills and competencies of the grant.
Strengthens the role of teacher, extended his responsibilities and make. Teacher's help to gain new - learning assistant, organizer, moderator, a partner - the role. Developed and implemented ligalaikė teacher salary increase program.
Political status -, the party's name - the Portuguese Republic. The capital and largest city - Lisbon to 2,618,100 people. Next big city - Porto with 264,200 inhabitants.
After its close the 15-th - 16 th centuries, Portugal lost much of his wealth and fame in 1755 after the destruction of Lisbon by the earthquake. The negative impact on the welfare of the country was the occupation of the Napoleonic Wars and in Brazil as a colony, a loss in 1822. 1910 revolution overthrew the monarchy and six decades, repressive governments ruled the country. 1974 Left-wing military coup launched a wide-ranging democratic reforms. In recent years, Portugal granted independence to its African colonies. In 1986 it joined the EU.
Portugal occupies the western part of the Iberian Peninsula and is slightly below Indiana state, its area - 92,391 km2. Party crossed three major rivers that begin in Spain, flows into the Atlantic ocean and the land divided into three geographical sections. Minho River is part of the northern border and flows through the mountain range that extends to the vicinity of the Douro River. To the south of the Douro River Mountains slant pass into plains, rolling along the Tejo River. The remaining area is the southern part of the Alentejo. Azores Islands are about 547 km from the mainland into the Atlantic Ocean. They took nine islands that make up 2335 km2. Madeira consists of two inhabited islands Madeira and Porto Santo and two groups of unsettled island. These islands in the Atlantic Ocean, 861 km southwest of Lisbon. The continent, Portugal is 1,214 km border with Spain, and its coastline stretches 1,793 km.
The Portuguese climate - the average marine. North of the country is cool and rainy in the south - warm and dry. The lowest point - in the Atlantic Ocean (0 m), the highest level - Ponta do Pico in the Azores (2351 m).
Portuguese Natural resources - fish, cork tree forests, tungsten, iron ore, uranium ore, marble, arable land, hydropower. Arable land is 20.57% of the territory, earth Hydrating - 6320 km2.
2003 July. data resides in Portugal 10,102,022 inhabitants. The population growth rate for that day - 0.17%, the birth rate - 11.45 / 1000 pop., Mortality rate - 10.21 / 1000gyv. Average age: male - 72.86 years, female - 80.07 years. Language - Portuguese. Ethnic composition - a homogeneous group of people in the Mediterranean countries on the continent and the Azores and Madeira Islands; black African origin population immigrated to the decolonization process. The latter number - less than 100 000.
Religious orientation - 94% Roman Catholic, Protestant. In addition to the official Portuguese language, speech and language miranda, which is also official, but is used in local regions.
Portuguese architecture and is known for siurial principal interest. Architecture reached a peak in the 16th century, when decoration was used in twisted, helter-, sea-like details. Portuguese people well-known form of music - melancholic fado, originating from the 16th century seaman songs. Traditional folk dances remained popular only in the province. The most impressive craft - decorative tile azujelos production. The Portuguese had learned the technique from the Moors.
Portuguese rich literary tradition as well as to the age of 16, when the playwright Gil Vicente allowed the drama and poet Luís de Camões poems. There is no doubt a prime national poet and playwright, has emerged in the 20th century is Fernando Pessoa.
Portuguese food is cheap and excellent. Classic Portuguese meals are sardinhas Assad (on a charcoal-grilled sardines), pastéis de Bacalhau (potato cakes with mussels) and caldo verde (cabbage and potato soup). Seafood dishes such as linguado grelhado (grilled sole) and bife de Atum (tuna steak) - is evocative of appetite food. Oral meals are of excellent quality Portuguese wines or Ports - a drink that is synonymous with Portugal.
Basic education in Portugal are:
1st Freedom of religion (of all religious teaching is permitted, and financed by the state. Most of them are Catholics); 2nd Learning, training and establishing the freedom of private schools; 3rd Education is a democratic outcome. It is not just the Ministry of Education, but also of other bodies, (teachers' associations, cultural associations, labor centers, labor unions, universities: research and technological innovation).
Training in Portugal
• Pre-school education is not compulsory and divided in two parts. Up to 3 years and 3-6 years. Education in less formal, based on the activity and game strategy. Maximum number of children in the class 20-25.
• Basic education is compulsory in Portugal. He made three cycles:
• 1 - Fourth-starting 1-4 in Class 6 to 10 year olds who are over 25 hours a week studying.
• 2 - Second-5 - 6th Grade. These classes of students are 17 weekly lessons of 90 minutes.
• 3 - nd 7-9 classes, where students study 18 weeks. lessons of 90 minutes.
• Secondary education consists of a single-cycle 10-12 class 15 - 18 years of age.
Professional Training
Vocational training in Portugal is a very important link in the education system. This school has an administrative, financial and academic autonomy. His program consists of modules: 1st socio-cultural component;
2nd science component; 3rd technical, technological and practical component.
The main areas of dominant-administration, accounting, agriculture, electronics, etc.. The country has a number of private vocational schools, which are often connected to the secondary schools. They can go to everyone, especially given that private schools are financed from the state budget.
As in Lithuania, vocational training in Portugal has 4 steps. School programs are designed to enable graduates to be motivated to work in their country to develop its business in an activity, production, consistent with national needs. However, to start their own business, to implement innovative ideas often lack the financial resources. Finally, near the vocational school students in general education subjects as vocational qualifications, which rated 20 points system. Exams are held either in writing or orally. Considered the pre-professional test. The student must prepare and deliver your specialty project, which is reflected in his professionalism, skills, ingenuity and creativity.
The State invests heavily in training, where theory is combined with practice. Learners receive a course attendance certificate. Number of pupils attending schools in the country on these reductions, which, when not appearing at school or training students heard. These children's parents is not very concerned about their science education. Parents, as often happens to us, neprisišauksi to school so that you can jointly tackle the problems. It is therefore very important role of social workers, psychologists, educators.
Amar Terra Verde, a vocational school teaching in the arts, commerce, electronics, and energy, social work, and guide services, hotels, restaurants and valet managers and others. specialties. We had to observe some classes, for example. cooking lesson (group of 23 students and managers) have been produced food, which will then be marketed in the school canteen. Production was immediately a number of dishes, namely to the extent that the day will be delivered for sale in the canteen. Each group of students know their work and work independently under the supervision of the Head. It is a kind of theoretical practice in the classroom. Study subjects during the week they have 19 hours: 7 am. for the optional (2 hrs. - Theory, 5 pm .- practices, ie, serving, decorating, design, etc.). and two days after 6 pm. work in the canteen. Every year, after 5 weeks of the school year students have their practice in enterprises. Other groups that serviravo tables and served the guests, the work has been consistently observed not only in teaching practice, but a representative from the hotel, with a half-time at school, who also advised the students. And had to watch it being lead a workshop, which was to cook "Margaret" (instead of alcohol was only water.).
Fontes Pereira de Melo vocational school children learn, most of which are called "heavier behavior." This school, which houses 840 students and employs 140 teachers. Students are prepared for upper school or the labor center, which wants more and more skilled workers with more knowledge, ability, opportunity. Since it is difficult to find a job, it is essential to change, grow.
About 70 per cent. vocational school graduates employed by the selected and available to the specialty. In this school pupils in classes of mechanics working on engines, machinery, destroy them, repairs them. Computer room, they are trained not only in computer literacy, but also tries to introduce computer architecture, operating principles, and other biases. This has already worn out computers undermining the rule, together, etc. Even the English language that these children is not yet pay for lessons on the computer. The computer-learning tools and basic math lesson. It is clear that the modernization of vocational education and training environment, student learning zoom closer to here is one of the priorities.
Higher Education
Tertiary education provides: 1st Bachelor's (some universities) degree. 2nd Full education. 3rd Master's degree. 4th Doctoral degree.
Bachelor's degrees and others:• Higher education in particular, offers a bachelor's degree and a complete education. Full education longer meets the academic training program and lasts for four years. Meanwhile, three undergraduate studies. Degrees can be organized in two phases: the first bachelor's degree is granted, then the next, lasting one or two measurements of undergraduate studies, received full training. • Higher education includes the four ancient universities (Lisbon, Coimbra, Oporto and Lisbon Technical University), six new higher education institutions, as well as the Catholic University of Lisbon. It is important that all institutes, schools and academies, such as: Institute of Applied Psychology, Social Welfare Institute, the Social Welfare Institute in Lisbon and Porto, Engineering, Horticulture College and the other is the component of higher education in Portugal elements.
Pranešimai (Atom)