2010 m. gegužės 20 d., ketvirtadienis


A review of the social educator practices, I conclude that social work educational methods - is a common social pedagogue and client operating methods in order to solve specific problems. Their choice depends on the social educator job, his dependents contingent nature of the problem, as well as vocational skills and training are equal. I believe that social work can be viewed in two ways: globally and locally. Social work educator enables the public to make real the noble, humane ideas, increasing the national, social, family, youth policy and performance, the role of local government, non-significant early action in the environment decrease in the number of children, abuse of alcohol.
The research method - a scientific tactic, where you can check directly the decision, and science policy issues is needed to address the selection. I think that the social sciences is difficult to discern common patterns, there is no clear methodology on how to explore the public understanding of how human behavior. Each test has its own logic based on specific facts, in the absence of general theories of the researcher in their own way to interpret the survey data.
Everyday and scientific knowledge, not all knowledge is scientific. Scientific knowledge - from daily differs in that it is not a simple accumulation of knowledge, and their system.
I think all agree that the social sciences there are laws of cause and effect. But not always at the real cause is the same effect.
The social sciences are confronted with the certainty and uncertainty, it is alarming, it is sometimes made in reaching the conclusion they should be. The social sciences can never be accurate. Research process and its structure. Each academic area has its own methods. I think it all depends on the method of examination success.
Study is to identify the following phases:
1. Survey design.
2. Problem formulation and assumptions.
3. Distribution of the test procedure.
4. The empirical phase of the study.
5.Theoretical and statistical processing of the product.
6. The results of practical applications.
And the research process can be divided into three main stages:
1. Preparing for the test purpose and objectives of the study nusakymas, study strategy selection, research organization.
2. Fact - gathering.
3. Empirical treatment. Inductive and deductive logic system.
Overall I think the methodology can be defined as a theory, which examines the scientific knowledge of the process, its principles and research methods and techniques for each of the theoretical framework of data to its destination.
Hypothesis - a scientific premise that trying to describe the unknown phenomena. Hypotheses formulation is the most important phase of the study. The hypothesis to explain the issues pertaining to the essence of the problem. It is to be simple.
I think it is necessary to comply with all requirements of test methods and test the way that some researchers could repeat the investigation.

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