Education system in Portugal
Education population and language of instruction in 1998 young people under the age of 30 accounted for 37.4% of the population (3,729,770) and 1,140,394 students were school age. Instruction is in Portuguese.
Preschool education
Pre-primary education is compulsory from the age of 3, 5, and both the public and private kindergartens. State nursery provision for children is free, fees are charged for private kindergartens.
The stages of compulsory education:
• Ensino básico (basic training):
• Escola básica Stage: 6-9 years of age;
• Stage :10-11 years of age;
• The third stage: between 12-15 years of age;
• Education is compulsory from 6 to 15 years of age.
Admission Criteria
Children six months to 15 September must be included in the first academic year in the calendar year. In addition, children who reach the age of 6 years from September 16 to December 31, may be allowed to participate in the first stage of education, where the request is made by their parents or guardians to the school closest to their place of residence (or work) during the annual registration period. Public schools are free of charge.
Length of school day / week / year
The school year is 180 days, usually from mid-September and late June. Schools open five days a week and 25 hours during the first phase and between 30 and 32 3. º Ciclo do ensino básico. Under the revised curriculum in 2001, on the second stage of ensino básico Ciclo do weekly training hours will be 17 lasted about 90 minutes. Some schools operate two shifts. The lesson lasts about 50 minutes, 3. o do ensino básico Ciclo. Annual training hours per year is 788 children between 6 and between 875 and 904 for those 10 years of age or older.
Class size / student group
Class size is determined the main level of the 25th Audience size of the second and third stages ranging from 25 to 28, its highest level. Students are usually divided by age. Students in the first stage, the same teacher teaches all subjects. After that, they are taught by different teachers for each subject / field training.
Curricular control and content
Ministry of Education set the curriculum, school organization can adapt to local circumstances. Teaching methods are set out in the Ministry of Education guidelines and to define the school level, which transfer, which is one for each field of education. Ministry of Education participates in the mandatory publication of course materials, and other textbooks are produced commercially. The main subjects in the first stage of the research relating to the environment, Portuguese, mathematics, personal and social development and religious education.
The second stage is a multidisciplinary areas that include language and social studies, science, mathematics, art and technology education, physical education, personal and social development of open education in schools and provides extra-curricular activities. The main subjects of the third phase to include Portuguese, foreign language, religious education, language and social studies, personal and social development, science, history, geography, mathematics and physical education, as well as one of the options is the second foreign language, music. Education or technical training.
Assessment, progression and qualifications
Assessment is regulated at the national level, and use formative and summative methods. Formative assessment is based on data collected by teachers and used to assess the needs of students and inform parents. The first phase of summative evaluation should be carried out before the second year of teaching. Later tests would be carried out at any time and the stage. At the end of the third stage (last year at the end of compulsory schooling), students must pass the test, which covers all the topics of third-stage curricular subjects (prova Escrito custody). These investigations are the responsibility of each school. Progression during the first phase of the first and second phases due to the teachers.
Under the revised curriculum in 2001, from 2 ° phase of the evaluation Ciclo do ensino básicois not determined by the minimum in specific areas, but with the exclusive class of the competition council. Class Council to determine whether a student receives basic competencies. During and between the second and third phases, driven by student achievement and class act of the Council seats are exams if they wish; poor performance over the three things (they are Portuguese, and mathematics in particular if the two) can result in students repeating the year. At the end of the third stage, all those who demonstrate sufficient participants and passed the exams, was awarded the Basic Education Certificate (Diploma de Ensino básico), those who attended, but did not receive a final assessment of a certificate attesting that they have completed their compulsory education.
Upper secondary and post-secondary education
Education types: Ensino secundaria (secondary education)
Escolas profissionais (vocational schools) - 15 - 17 years old
Training for this level may be, and general education (ensino secundaria / Course in good shape), technology courses (Course Tecnológico) and professional training in vocational schools (escolas profissionais), or arts courses.
Admission Criteria
To enter ensino secundaria, students must have successfully completed a nine-year compulsory education. Students wishing to enter vocational schools (escolas profissionais) should have completed compulsory education or an equivalent qualification. Students in the class depends on class size and ranges between 20 and 26. All students must be 15 years of age or older. State secondary schools are free.
Curricular control and content
National curriculum core subjects in general and technological training in Portuguese, foreign language, an introduction to philosophy, physical education, personal and social education and of religious education. Courses are divided into four sections of study, ie, science and nature, art, economics and social sciences and humanities. Each of these groups, individual courses are designed for both general and technology students. The modular training program at a vocational school courses in the last three years, the 2900 minimum of 3600 hours of training period. The main theme of the social and cultural, scientific, technical, practical training, the arts and technology.
Assessment, progression and qualifications
Formative assessment is carried out by teachers and is mainly descriptive in nature and quality. Summative evaluation of both teachers and the Ministry of Education must ensure homogeneity of the national school survey at the end of the procedure. General written tests must be taken from each high school class (10, 11 and 12 respectively) at the end of the year. The results from these tests used to determine the class of the Council made. The national final examinations, taken three years of general education and successful students will eventually receive a diploma de estudios secundaria, students receive technology training courses, as well as for professional certificate. Vocational schools, successful students receive a de estudios secundaria vocational certificate and diploma.
Higher Education Institution Type:
Higher education in Portugal is a university and polytechnic education and make a public, private or co-operation in higher education institutions. Higher education is the state university and polytechnic institution. Private and cooperation in higher education at universities, nom integrated university colleges, polytechnics and institutions of higher education schools. The link between university and polytechnic sub-systems, as well as between the public and the private sector or in higher education institutions are legally guaranteed.
States shall establish an annual review and access to higher education conditions. Year 2001/2002 on access to higher education (national competition) were the following: have successfully completed the 12 th years of training or the same (national examination);
Sat a national specific examinations in higher education student wants to participate, met the conditions of higher education student wants to attend, if necessary. In addition to the national competition there are no special conditions for applicants of the specific situations of the law. Qualifications two higher education systems, universities and polytechnics, consisting of bacharelato and Licenciatura degree. Most Licenciatura Polytechnic has divided into two cycles, the first of the bacharelato degree. This two-step Licenciatura is attractive for polytechnic education in vocational education is more concerned with the investigation continued. These Licenciatura awarded after 4-5 years of study, and universities are awarded after 4-6 years of study. In Bacharelato degree is awarded in both cases after 3 years of study. Postgraduate degree (mestrado and doutoramento) is awarded only by universities.
Education and Training Methods
Almost all countries in educational methods are the same, but it depends on the education system in each country, but how and where (in primary school, primary schools, universities) that these methods. Over the past ten years have certainly seen significant changes in the education of an independent Lithuania. However, our seeking to enter the European Community made use and adapt a more democratic and flexible teaching methods witch leads to better communication between teachers and pupils. Socio-economic change in Lithuania and world economic trends (technological progress, in particular) gave the new requirements of the professional activity of the Lithuanian people. Foreground long enough now, so it should be updated. Foreign language and computer skills knowledge, for example, should one day to get a better job. Continuing education is becoming one of the key factors of professional optimization. Lifelong learning is seen here as in any organized form started to work.
Lithuanian education system is based on the success of the heritage and culture: the individual values, humanism, equality between people, freedom of conscience, tolerance and allocation norms and principles in relation to any democratic society. Educational standards in the laws and acts of the Republic of Lithuania regulates meet democratic standards established under international law. They stress that education should foster mutual understanding and tolerance of each nation and each racial or religious group, without exception. Education must do everything that people belonging to ethnic minorities, understand the culture and language of their country and play a constructive involvement in activities and daily life in society.
Education in Lithuania based on the following principles:
1) civil harmony, integration and solidarity;
2) The Open Society and sociocultural integration;
3) Preference is for individuals and families, their educational needs;
4) Maintenance ethno-cultural identity of the peoples of Lithuania, the cultural cooperation between cultural reasons, progress in Lithuania;
5) Consistency with the principles of international law and standards, the European Council and other organizations;
6) The "universal nature of education;
7) Develop a policy of ethnic minorities.
Now it is very important to create an autonomous subject, a free, self-confident, active, creative human being. There are a lot of things, which depends on education and the teaching methods. There are a wide variety of teaching methods and many teachers from Lithuania, who wrote about it. Well-known teacher of A. Contributor, A. Pauriene, T. Contributor, J. Vaitkevicius, R. Vasiliauskas, they're interested in learning the problem of teaching methods and educational reform in Lithuania, a democratic and humanistic principles for effective teaching methods, etc. They are but three main groups of teaching methods, a news source. These sources are: Word (word), image (view), practices (practical activities). Thus, teaching methods: the verbal (oral), the image (visually), practitioners (practical).
The main teaching methods:
Word (Word), Oral methods (oral methods): Session (lecturing);
Chat (talk) Spauzdintinių sources: (a case of teaching) debate (discussion), Image (view) Image methods (visual method): Demonstrations (show), monitoring (surveillance); tour (tours); Practice
(Practical action) practical methods (practical methods): writing exercises and writing (writing exercises, and word form) Training for the use of technical tools (training and technical equipment), laboratory (science laboratories).
Talk in class
Lecture is often equated with high school. This is changing rapidly, but as university teachers began to recognize that not all students benefit from lectures or lecture is the most effective way to disseminate information. Initially, teacher reads the audience, because access to the written material was limited, and many students were illiterate. Printing process digital information and general literacy, have fundamentally altered the function of the teacher.
Lecture still has its rightful place among the many other training methods, but have to ask the question, which technique will best help students learn? " Some possible topics of lectures naturally than others. Lecture is valid for the following reasons: to provide structure and organization, distributed materials, to help pace student learning, enhance discussion include the provision of alternative sources of information or perspective, and to use public speaking to motivate students.
Preparing for the lesson
Being in the same room as someone said something that is not equivalent to learning. Students must attend substance to preserve it. Moreover, given that student attention span of about 15 to 20 minutes long and university teams last 50-75 minutes, the teacher has something to keep your attention. Lectures should be periodically marked activity. The teacher can make a short brake from two to five minutes, then students will be reenergized for the next 15 - 20 minutes Mini - Lecture.
Planning Lecture
When the teacher begins to plan lecture, first consider your audience. Undergraduate students are wide cross-section of skills and backgrounds, and may enter college with varying levels of expertise. The teacher must keep in mind, I want to talk over their heads, to protect them. It has to be more effective if he tries as much as possible based on knowledge they already have, or seek to experience that, by analogy, costume theme.
Before preparing the lecture, a lecturer must ask ourselves: how to lecture for the entire course? What are the main objectives? Does he want to give students an overview of the subject, give them some basic information, or cause them to further contemplation?
Some held that the essence of this topic is indeed suitable for lectures and found that both the objectives and the level of knowledge the audience, he still must make sure that what he is ordered to fit within a specified period of time. The typical instructor cry that there is so much material, so little time.
Education population and language of instruction at the beginning of the year 2000, people aged 29 or number was 1,542,284 (41.7% of the total population). Children of school age the figure was 511 984th The official Lithuanian language of instruction.
Preschool education
Pre-primary education is regarded as first-class educational system. It provides for children from 18 months to 6 or 7 years old. These schools (kindergarten, kindergarten-Kindergarten, Nursery school - school) within the local authority. Parents must pay fees established by the founder.
Compulsory education levels:
Primary school (primary) - 6/7-9/10 years of age; primary school (lower secondary education) -9/10-16/17 years of age;
Gymnasium (lower secondary education) - 14/15-16/17 years of age;
Vocational school (lower secondary professional) - 14-16/17 years of age;
Junior school (lower secondary education) - 11/12-22 years of age;
Boarding school (lower secondary education) - 9/10-16/17 years
By law, children can start compulsory education until the age of 6. It ends when they reach the age of 16.
Admission Criteria
Public sector primary and lower secondary schools is free. Parents can enroll their children into school of their choice.
Length of school day / week / year
Academic year to 5 (primary education and lower secondary school starts) a form of minimum 170 days of training, education and years of lower secondary education, the end of 195 days of training to a minimum. Subjects (22 lessons lasting 35 minutes from the start of primary school, and 27 lessons of 45 minutes and lower secondary schooling) are spread over five days per week in primary and lower secondary education at the beginning, and within five, six or five or six days (mixed version) per week (depending on the school board decision) in lower secondary education is completed. The minimum number of hours of training per year to 436.3 for primary education, and 688.5 for lower secondary school classes.
Class size / student group
The law sets the maximum number of students in a class of 24 primary schools and 30 secondary schools in the lower classes. Mixed class, and students of the same age. In elementary school, classes are taught in one teacher (if any thing a teacher can teach any one of the subjects, mostly religion, foreign languages, physical culture, art or music). Lower secondary level, each subject is taught by a specialist teacher.
Curricular control and content
In elementary schools, all of these things are mandatory (as Minister), and is the same for all students (except for moral education - parents can choose whether their children receive religious instruction is necessary, according to the currency, or lessons in ethics). Since 2000/2001, in accordance with strengthened enforcement of the provisions proposed to be: early foreign language instruction, art education and targeted belonged / extended training in some other things. Submission to the other things suggested the general level. Teachers have the right to use teaching methods and textbooks of their choice from a list approved by the Ministry of Education. Lower secondary school, compulsory subjects (17) are studied for all students, but it can be for many different lessons. The instruction is usually offered a single, common level. Decision of each school, students may be offered more intensive program of foreign languages, fine arts, music and physical education teachers.
Assessment, progression and qualifications
Students are continuously assessed by their teachers and the evaluation results are always reported to parents. The difficulty with students can be back in a year. At the end of primary school, pupils automatically move to the next level without an examination. After crossing into the six-year primary school, the final exam is organized in each establishment at the end of the 10th year (the final year of compulsory education from 1999-2000 at the end). These examinations determine the Ministry of Education is compulsory for all students. Completion certificate on completion of compulsory education provides students with access to secondary education is completed.
Admission Criteria
Certificate of completion after the end of compulsory education requires a general and vocational upper secondary schools. Students can apply for admission to their chosen school. Admission to post-secondary vocational schools (vocational schools) and colleges (college) is based on secondary school leaving certificate.
Curricular control and content
About the gymnasium and secondary school curriculum, as defined at the national level. General education schools are compulsory subjects for all pupils of the same. In 2000/2001 disciplinary introduction of secondary flows, number of training hours per subject, depending on traffic and level of education (which is chosen by a student, and may be key:
B - total (gross);
I - expanded (extended);
T - target (Target).
In vocational schools and colleges set their own programs on the basis of directives drawn up by the Ministry of Education. Number of hours required by General Number four years of vocational education in schools depends on the hours, the general education curriculum number. Teachers have the right freely to choose their teaching methods and textbooks (from the list approved by the Ministry of the general education subjects).
Assessment, progression and qualifications
The student assessment procedures similar to those of compulsory education. In general secondary education, the final exam set by the Ministry of Education is compulsory for all students. The certificate awarded passing the exam (Baccalaureate, BRAND carry out the work or function) gives students the opportunity to post-secondary vocational and higher education. Professional school graduation rates the final examination (theoretical and practical), which differ in content, according to the program. Students may be awarded a professional qualification certificate (CERTIFICATE QUALIFICATION) or Diploma qualified workers (skilled worker diplomas). After the end of the professional schools, students are awarded a National Diploma, college graduation (Public higher education diploma). Professional qualifications, skills training and college degree completion of each grant students access to the occupation of a diploma.
Higher Education Institution Type:
Higher education consists of university-level courses offered by universities and academies. They are of three academics (basic, specialist and doctoral).
Non-university higher education sector was established in 2000 following the passing of the Law on Higher Education. The first non-university higher education institutions in the name of the College (4 public and 3 non-state) has been established on the basis of a folk high school (vocational colleges) basis.
Secondary school-leaving certificate (secondary school leaving to work or function) requires that all higher education institutions. And at the higher education based on the adoption of selection for secondary school leaving exam results. Colleges may specify the institutional requirements for acceptance. In order to identify students' specific skills, higher education institutions may organize not more than two examinations or tests.
Non-university level courses in each subject is the investigation is completed, or student self-study (Project) to test whether the credit assessment of the invoice. Each program consists of courses, final exams and / or defense of thesis / program of study. After completion of university studies, students are awarded a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree or professional qualification (such as teacher, engineer, artist, etc..) Graduates can continue to comply with the specialized higher education or training, a master's degree (master's degree) lasting one and a half to two years. Students who have master's degree can make a doctor.
Comparing the educational system in Lithuania and Portugal, we realized that the key points are:
• There is no Lithuanian travel.
• Lithuanian primary school is separated from the main school.
• The school year starts at different times in Portugal and Lithuania;
• Lesson length is different: in Portugal 50 - 90 min. Lithuania and 45min. Weekly number of hours is also very different: 788 h in Portugal Since the age of 6, 875 to 904 hours over 10 years, but Lithuania 436.3 in primary school and secondary schools 688.5.
• There are a few deferent types of higher education Lithuania:
Gymnasium (secondary) - 16/17-18/19 years of age;
School median (middle), - 16/17-18/19 years of age;
Professional School (vocational upper secondary) - 16/17-19/20 years of age;
Professional School (vocational post-secondary) - 18/19-20/21 years of age;
Superior School (vocational post-secondary) - 18/19-21, 5 / 22, 5 years ago.
Higher education institutions in the name of the College (4 public and 3 non-state)
Post-secondary school (vocational school).
Higher education consists of university-level courses in universities and academies.
Ensino secundaria (secondary education);
Escolas profissionais (vocational schools) - 15-17;
Higher education in Portugal is a university and polytechnic education and make
public, private or co-operation in higher education institutions.
As you can see both sides of differences. However, all parties to the differences in education systems as the main differences between the history, culture, economics, etc., but the main ace is the same all over the world.
That the main structure of the teaching methods we can see that there is no complete list of them, because we can not even count them, teachers are hard working on it. Thus, teaching methods Lithuanian school teachers depends on the imagination and labor in particular, this means that the basic techniques are the same, but used in different ways in different situations.